Ich habe einen Paraösophagealen Zwerchfellbruch! Da gibt es ja eine OP Empfehlung wegen Komplikationen( Einklemmung,Blutung) allerdings soll das Risiko für diese Komplikationen ziemlich gering sein! Habe irgendwie total Angst vor der OP auch wegen Rückfall! Was meint ihr?
It’s understandable that you’re afraid of surgery. I’ve been there with a lot of surgery, it never happened. It’s a decision you have to make for yourself. Personally, I would advise to listen to the doctor’s recommendation (or to obtain a second opinion if necessary). The complications such as jamming and bleeding may rarely occur, but can then end up bad when they occur.
I’ve recently addressed my family doctor to an surgery opportunity. Because Originalton Hospital in the course of a stay: “We achieve good results.”
My pediatrician: “As long as you come with pantoprazole, let it stay! It’s not an appendix-OP.”