Zweites E-Piano?

Ich bräuchte noch ein E-Piano bei meinen Eltern daheim, weil ich auf eine Berufsfachschule für Musik gehe, die etwas weiter weg ist, aber in den Ferien möchte ich natürlich auch mal nach Hause fahren, hätte dort allerdings nicht die Möglichkeit zu üben.

In meiner Wohnung habe ich ein Kawai CN34 (welches aber auch nicht mehr so gut funktioniert, weil ich es jetzt auch schon 9 Jahre lang habe), das E-Piano bei meinen Eltern sollte jetzt nicht kompletter Schrott sein, aber doch recht günstig (da ich es selbst zahlen muss und ich nur von BAföG lebe) sein. Also sollten die Töne zumindest so lange klingen, wie ich sie auch spiele, und ich sollte auch dynamisch damit arbeiten können.

Am liebsten hätten es meine Eltern, wenn wir das E-Piano über Thomann bestellen würden.

Gibt es da etwas, was man mir empfehlen könnte? Ich kann leider keine genauen Preisangaben machen, es sollte 500€ aber auf keinen Fall übersteigen, am besten unter 400€ sein. Wie gesagt, bin knapp bei Kasse 😶

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1 year ago

I would get a used Kawai ES 100 or ES 110 under your specifications. However, only with personal visit & pickup.

1 year ago

Go to Thomann and look for Stage pianos, there are Thomann, Roland, Casio for the price range mentioned.

I’d go to the price class 700 – 1000, but nothing helps if it’s not there.


1 year ago

Then look at Thomann and look at the reviews – not just the positives. But with the big T, you’ll surely find it.

1 year ago

Do not order over Thomann, it is usually much more expensive than elsewhere. Compare prices always on pages like Geizhals.

I got my Yamaha P-45 used for 100€, I can only recommend it. It costs almost 500€, but you might find what you need.

1 year ago
Reply to  HariSeldon

Thomann usually has good prices & good service, at least according to my experience…

1 year ago
Reply to  HariSeldon

Thomann has like Music Store or Just Music and other great music houses with the best prices! Wherever you have your information, my price comparisons show something completely different.

And there you get service, others might have a bargain, but do they repair? That is also very, very important. And you get advice on what you write I can’t understand.

1 year ago
Reply to  nochnefrage

Ok, the prices are the cheapest at Thomann, and then you say that Thomann also offers other services for the higher prices. What about it now?

1 year ago

As I wrote, there may be bargains, but if the device does not get any warranty, it’s just broken. Or is a grey import and has no manufacturer warranty. Or is fake.

Those who look around will find that the big music houses usually have the best prices and offer good service.

Music Store or Just Music and other great music houses with the best prices!

with the best prices means they are among those with the best prices, which implies that even somewhere else can be a little cheaper. You said they were usually more expensive.

Anyone who orders in a long way, for example China, often gets fakes, no guarantee.

So the big ones in Germany are almost always the best!

1 year ago

Uhhh… I hope you still have an acoustic piano at home.

1 year ago
Reply to  pianogirl393

This is good, but the stop of the E-Piani and also the pedal technology has a negative impact on the technology.

1 year ago

We just have an electric piano and an acoustic piano.

1 year ago

It was always the problem with us, but my technology has simply deteriorated inconceivably, so it was not different at some point.