Zweite Fremdsprache Abi?
Ich hatte 3 Jahre türkisch Unterricht. Frage: Kann ich mir das für mein Abitur in Niedersachsen anrechnen lassen damit ich keine 2 Fremdsprache lernen muss?
Wenn ja, ist es egal in welcher Klasse ich den Unterricht hatte?
Too little info. At least in BW, for example, French only works from 11.-13. Kl. only if you have 4 school hours/week. If you have French before, you have AFAIK i.d.R. less week hours, but for more years.
You’re going to 11. Great, right?
This has to be resolved by now, because you have no chance of another 2nd foreign language.
The 2nd foreign language must have been occupied for 5 years in the middle class to be considered as a prerequisite for not having to start a 2nd foreign language in the upper level and go through to the finish.
You need at least 5 years of teaching in this language.
If you make 2 years after the level of the 3 years it would be possible
Because here were 3 years French understand