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1 year ago

2 strokes on the pregnancy test IMMER suggest that one is pregnant?

No, not IMMER. On the one hand, it can be that the test was read after the specified reading time, on the other hand there are a few (very rare) tumors that likewise produce HCG, so that the test becomes positive, although there is no pregnancy.

And can you rely on it for a month after intimidated intercourse?

Each pregnancy test is reliable from 19 days after the sexual intercourse in question. If the result is negative, it means “not pregnant”.

My period is overdue

So you had unprotected traffic, your period is overdue and apparently you have a positive test in your hand. I’d get you a doctor’s appointment.

1 year ago

Many see a line although none is there, the second line can be a evaporation line. But as a rule, two clearly recognizable lines mean “pregnant”. Every test will show you a clear result 19 days after sex.

12 days, however, are still far too time to get a decisive result.

1 year ago

An SS test is reliable from the 1st day of the period actually to be expected.

1 year ago

Take another test, stick to the package leaflet and turn to your FE if you’re not sure. If you don’t want to get pregnant, I wouldn’t practice uncontested sex.

1 year ago

Stands in the package as the pregnancy test is to be read.

If there are 2 lines only after hours, it is not meaningful 😉

1 year ago

Reading the package leaflet would be a good start.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hailey957

The test can’t be wrong. But you can use it wrong.

So, if you have read the package leaflet (and not just the short version on the pack back), go to step 2 and try to understand what it says.