Zwei Sitzplätze in der Straßenbahn besetzten🚆🚆, wegen langen Beinen 💃- NoGo?
Ich frage das weil, ich gerne mal mit der Straßenbahn, Zug o.Ä. unterwegs bin. Z.B. zur Arbeit.
Jedoch beim Sitzten habe ich eigentlich nie Platz mit meinen Beinen nur einen Platz zu bestzten.
Somit fülle ich beim Sitzen meist 2 Plätze aus.
Ich mache dann nur alten Menschen den Platz frei, sonst bleibe ich sitzen.
Was denkt ihr dazu? Begründungen?
(Bin bisschen was über 1.80 m und meine Beinaußenälnge ist hoch)
As long as you don’t Put your legs on the seats, I find it OK.
What’s worse when some put their bag on the side seat.
I’m almost 1.90 m and even bigger people can push their Po to the seat so far that the legs don’t get excessive.
If I want to sit with you, I don’t care where you’re gonna get your legs. It has been so many that he does not have to make room and was bitterly disappointed.
Isn’t that easy to sit like that?
And I am 185cm myself, and I get my legs down. well, I’m looking for a place where I can make myself long when I’m after it or first row…
I’m guessing the FS’s talking about the place, not that she’s sitting in two places. I also had to read twice and remember what they actually mean.
AH DAS can be natural, yes
Neija… also here there is a possibility: if there are two people sitting there just nicely asking if you can stretch his hacks between them.
At least once I had no problem on bus and train
Is unfortunately a No Go – just like the manspreading (to sit too broadly). I know your problem. I am almost 2m tall and also wide (without being thick). In some buses there are places that seem to be designed for 1 1/2 people. If I catch one of them, I always have enough space.
I am as big as you, also have longer legs in relation to my upper body. I’m laying “two places” and arranging me with my legs. That works wonderful. That’s where you can sit. And don’t sit broadly and it’s ready to put a leg a little slanted.
You pick up a barrel where none is.
Since the young people are getting bigger and bigger nowadays (formerly I was able to override many in the standing concerts), this would be a big problem if everyone would ask such a question.
Junior has 188 whether you’re a woman or a man doesn’t matter. The few cm, are not relevant. to the point of need,
At least this does, but it also shows that a place is enough for you. Others even stand up to offer older or restricted persons their seat.
1,80 body size is absolutely no reason. Also, from my point of view, you do not have excessively long legs if you have seen your pictures (because of your fashion questions) so look at us that would not be anyone.
There are no routes in the tram that last forever. What are you doing on a plane? Do you book 2 places or First Class?
As long as the train is empty, it’s okay. When he gets fuller and the seats are tight no longer. The same applies to pocket next to one.
All buses and trains have places without a counterpart, there are also XXXXL legs.
Listen, I’m a good 1.90m tall and yes, the place in public transport is tight.
But you can push through the cross and push the back completely backwards. Although it is uncomfortable to others to stand, just to have a little more comfort is CHARAKTERLOS.
DAS goes neither in the Strab nor in the RE, but even in the IC/ICE
I’ll do the same, never give a complaint…
Sorry, but that’s a body size where you should get your legs under, if necessary you have to sit differently.
Well, the legs of me are quite in length of a big man, as I tend to have longer legs than a woman…
Bet, my legs are longer?
why do you tend and why only you???
Sorry, but my son is longer than you and gets it under…
Since I’m a man, I like to look at long ladies’ pants…
It doesn’t matter. I bet there are zig people who have longer legs than you. If I’m sitting in front of someone who has legs for so long, you can arrange. I really don’t understand your problem at all.
Rather I have a problem, I sit in a place and then someone comes who is very thick and sits next to it. Then give 1.5 seats. If ic doesn’t take care, I’ll let mioch put together…
Or in the plane. You have to look as a woman that – if you sit in the middle, you get at least one armrest because some really get out there, even if they’re not thick.
That’s why I always try a window or aisle, there’s an armrest safe for me.
If you’ve got your legs for so long, are you gonna buy it at egue? The only consignor with beautiful ladies’ pants for long legs…
Have you never learned to deal with your body? It must look drolly or superpatsy who you go or run.
The supplement does not contain any substance and does not contribute to the question.
Can you claim if you also bought two tickets for you and your legs