Two positive pregnancy tests?
Hello, I have a question. I did one of these tests the other day and only looked at it briefly and because there wasn't a second line straight away I put it away. Now I've looked at it and there are faint lines. It says everywhere in the other forums that if there are two lines then it means you're pregnant because the others also show negative and they stay negative. These are two early tests. One is from about the day before yesterday and the other from yesterday. I don't know if you can see the lines. They're really only faint. Now I don't know if I should buy another early test or wait and see because the other tests that weren't early tests showed negative and my period is already four days late.
please help me
Tests are meaningful only within the specified reading time. All that can still be seen after that, if that was not before, has no meaning.
What maramiez says!
My suggestion: get a third test, let the instructions go, follow the instructions. You can consider these two tests as invalid as you obviously haven’t read the instructions.
I don’t know a positive test.
In addition, there is a period of a few minutes after performing tests, within which the result is to be read. After hours or days, what can be seen on the test is no longer meaningful. Changes in the test can occur, which incorrectly interprets the result as positive.
Most of the pregnancies must be used exactly after instruction. There is no doubt that you should read significantly after the specified reading time. These are not valid test results.
Depends, do you want a baby? Then wait a week.
If not, make an appointment with the female doctor.
All right.
These two tests are negative on the picture.
All that happens after half an hour on the test is no longer meaningful.
The question is: did you have sex without prevention or a contraception? Only then would pregnancy be possible at all. And in this case, from 19 days after the last unprotected sex, make a normal pregnancy test or an early test with the morning urine and read the result within a few minutes until a maximum of 30 min (usually it is 30, see package leaflet).
These are two negative tests that are already far above the reading time.
“One is from the day before and the other of yesterday.”
So the question is meaningless.
Please refer to the package leaflet…