Zwei Fragen zum Vogelhaus?


Also seit Ende September hängt im Garten wieder unser Vogelhaus und es war bis vor ein, zwei Wochen regelmäßig besucht. Doch jetzt sieht man keine Vögel mehr am Haus und das Futter wird nicht weniger. Woran kann das liegen? Und zur zweiten Frage… Es waren immer nur Kohlmeisen am Haus und keine anderen Vögel. Und das obwohl in unserem Garten immer viele Gartenrotschwänze sind und obwohl das Futter für verschiedene Arten geeignet ist. Woran kann das liegen?

Danke im Voraus;)

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7 years ago

Maybe neighbor’s cat sneaks around in the garden, then the birds hide and eat. In the last few days there was plenty of rain that made the food wet, despite the roof above the birdhouse. Birds don’t like wet food, it’s left to lie. Strict or noise in the garden or on the street also often drives the birds. Or if one in the garden sweeps leaves.

7 years ago
Reply to  PMBDE

With me this is so: sometimes a strange cat sneaks around, then the birds don’t eat. Cats hunt birds. Take control.

7 years ago

Have you ever tried to put the food store in another place? Maybe there’s something “fits” she’s scared. Then it can take a very long time to trust them again. I’d put it somewhere else and see if they’d come back.

7 years ago

The garden red tail is a train bird and now in the south. The moths still find enough seedlings in the area and are not yet dependent on the feed site.

7 years ago

Last year it was similar to zero birds with me and this year it is also mau when I think back man what were bird masses but it became less and less

7 years ago

They’re moving away when it’s storming, or they might be blown away. They’re here in winter, are probably mostly guests from the north. Or east.

7 years ago
Reply to  PMBDE

However, I have also wondered, but I have understood contributions to the Ornithological Working Group in such a way that there are also train movements in the moths and that those who are at the food store in winter come from other areas.

7 years ago

I can only say that the ornithologists have reported about a blue-iron train, which was one or two years ago, when I heard that by chance. Whether they’ve pulled a short or a long distance, that would be bright imagination, and no one knows that right.

7 years ago


– all cabbage pigs were eaten by the cat

– the bird food is moldy

– in the house a marder lives

– the birds have found a better, more nutritious feed source

7 years ago

The fact that the blacks are still here is unusual. But maybe they overwinter because of climate change.

With me, since the violent storm about 14 days ago, less than half of the birds have been at the feed site.

7 years ago

Hi, with us there are regularly predators who care for “peas”, mostly it is the sperber. However, the biggest problems were with the domestic cats (penetrant intrusive – fortunately as stupid as their holders). You should first check if, for example, ruptures accumulate in the vicinity of the food store. This can be an indication that the location is incorrectly selected and/or the necessary coverage is missing. For example, we offer several, well-split food areas, always with a free view, but with hedges (especially sloping) in the immediate vicinity. At the moment, apart from the generally concerned development of significantly lower species density as well as individual density, we are in operation; the feed requirement (here I reckon the amount that is “disappeared” without residue) has been steadily increasing since mid-September…

Against this background, I would advise you to limit the fullness of possible causes without doubt. This includes, for example, the control of the environment on vaccinations. If possible, regular monitoring of operations at the food store (but at different times, predictors learn quickly!). The critical assessment of the structural environment. Construction and / or suspension of the food store. Noise and disturbance levels (street, neighbors, dogs etc.). Check the feed mix and feed quality. It would also be conceivable, e.g. to inform your neighbors about the current situation in their properties – perhaps there are already concrete indications here. I think with appropriate patience you will probably be able to find out the causes and, if necessary, eliminate them satisfactorily.

By the way: The settlement density of the garden red tail (Zugvogel) is safe No usable indicator for an assessment winter Feed house use by standing birds. LG!

7 years ago
Reply to  PMBDE

Hi, if you say that scattering cats do not disturb your birds, you can also explain that the earth is a slice.

The house building near you is likely to dig your birds temporarily (depending on the noise level), but according to my experience this rarely leads to the fact that a food house is not frequented for a long time. So your finding should have other causes…

The garden red tail (I hope we mean the same way, so Phoenicurus phoenicurus) is insects or Soft-eater, train bird (i.e. from the end of September hardly ever to be found) and is usually hardly lost in the food store. Whoever stays a little longer with us is the house-red tail (Phoenicurus ochruros), but even it should have disappeared long ago; also this does not tend to visit the food store. In what climate or in what altitude do you live, that you are still meeting red pigs?

Be careful with snow conditions – especially new snow – on traces, I think you’ll find the causes quickly. Otherwise, I’d be overwhelmed. Maybe you can set up a Habitats Recording and a food store so we can get away from the remote diagnostics? LG.

7 years ago

Well, I don’t see that shit. After a reconciliation phase, your beepser will reconcile. If necessary, you could also help if you put your food store in a quieter place, or if you change / expand the feed mix. The “Renner” with us are oatmeal (Müsli) soaked in pork malt with the addition of peanut and hazelnut flour – there is even the medium feed. Also think of your soil birds, here a simple mix of oil (sunflowers, possibly also rapeseeds), oat flakes and raisins is proven. Can add what is available on commercially available stray feed (only wheat remains occasionally longer, but disappears when it is softened); peeled sunflower seeds are highly appreciated by our amses, redfish, gold ammers and elders. So, be patient, I don’t think your birds will stay long. LG.

7 years ago

Ok., perhaps the cause is actually home building – but keep the cats in mind, with us there are predators with a pronounced tendency to omnipresent, so care. LG.

7 years ago

Well, despite many scattering domestic cats, we always had birds at the feed sites, but the losses were unmistakable. We have been accustomed to taking the causes of these “life phases” immediately to the ground – Household cats with exploited birds were the rule case (there was a preference for blue horses). Natural predators (like Marder, Sperber) were not relevant.

Whether the absence of your birds can only be seen in connection with the building of the house, I cannot judge, nor can I judge the intensity of the noise and disturbance levels. In the meantime, our birds are no longer disturbing when I cut shrubs next to them – as even the noise of the running motor saw does not trigger any significant escape reactions, as they are used to them. As I said, if housebuilding has serious effects on the behaviour of your birds, you should be able to estimate better.

7 years ago

On my balcony I have been feeding the birds for several years. Here, too, it happens that no bird can be seen over several weeks. Once I had a falcon in my backyard who was happy about the many horses. His presence has expelled all the birds and it took quite a long time to get back to the feed. Another time I probably had a bird disease here. There’s no one looking. But at some point, another one got his food. Since they always observe each other, others have seen him and then brought their own share.

You just have to be patient. At some point, the birds will come and try your food. It can only take a while.

7 years ago
Reply to  PMBDE

A remote diagnosis is of course very difficult, but don’t worry. They’re coming back!

7 years ago

The young birds have fled and then the birdhouse is no longer used. Meisen is looking for another place to sleep. If the feed is too long, replace. Meisen now loves fat food, so there are in balls to hang up in branches. Garden red tails are migratory birds.

7 years ago
Reply to  PMBDE

Sorry, wrong read.