Zwei 0,85€ Briefmarken möglich?
Hallo miteinander!
ich wollte einen Brief an eine Freundin senden, auf welchem ich eine 0,85€ Marke aufgeklebt habe. Jetzt kam jedoch der Brief zurück, mit dem Bescheid, dass 0,75€ fehlen. Kann ich also auf den Brief einfach eine zweite 0,85€ Marke aufkleben? Oder wäre das nicht gültig?
You sent the broadcast as a standard letter, but it seems to weigh more than 20g or Is classified as a big letter by the post. Gossip on 2. 0,85€ and drop it in a branch.
In the future, please specify postage accordingly, underfranking does not find the post funny and with repetition there will be 50€ invoice.
Thank you. Can I just throw it in a German mail mail mailbox? I always work the days so that I cannot reach the branch at their opening hours
Yeah, but they’d just check it out if everything fits
Yes that goes, but remove the yellow label!!!
Best regards, Jan
Yeah, you can. Just make sure that the small yellow tear remains stuck on the envelope.
You have to make the sticker unmistakably and then glue the correct postage and send it off. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄
If the first stamp is stamped, you have to stick the full amount on it.
That’s not right. You can add the missing amount. To this end, the small yellow stripe of the notification must remain stuck next to the stamps.
In addition, there is. So stick the missing one.
read and understand
glue the missing value and tear the note on the mark
Of course I’ve read it, but Google has spit out that I can’t stick the same stamp twice. Logically, I wanted to ask again…