Zwangsvollstreckung gegen Firma?
Hallo, mir wird von einer Firma namens Reifendirekt aktuell mein Geld einbehalten. Bestellt hatte ich zu seinerzeit Reifen, die Bestellung bzw. der Kaufvertrag wurde fristgerecht widerrufen und die Reifen zurückgesandt. Den Zustellbeleg habe ich.
Das Internet ist voll von negativen Meldungen zu der Firma. Kein Kundenservice, niemand reagiert auf Mails und ans Telefon geht auch keiner (Fakewarteschlange).
Ich frage mich nun natürlich wie ich an mein Geld komme?
Wäre eine Zwangsvollstreckung möglich? Muss ich vorher Mahnungen zusenden?
Upon revocation, the company has time to examine and refund the money up to 2 weeks after the goods have been returned.
Are these two weeks around?
If so, reduce your money by threatening legal measures. at least in text form (e-mail) possibly even as a file entry. Only after that you can take further legal measures such as lawyer, court order and co.
Best always as a enrollment, at email they can deny it to have received. You will also have proof of shipment and receipt with registration.
You can also turn on a lawyer and write the letter. sometimes makes more impression
Then, however, you can refuse the reception during normal writing.
The two weeks will be around next Monday, so I’m waiting for something. I doubt, however, that something will happen and will take your tips. Thank you.
Before the execution comes the warning.
But only when the period of two weeks for a refund has expired.
After the deadline set by registered letter, as already recommended.
If there’s nothing left: Start judicial dunning.
First of all no lawyer, because the first interview already costs more than the above-mentioned procedure, which would have to be carried out anyway.
You can arrange a reminder against this company yourself. You don’t need a lawyer.