Zwang Fleisch zu essen?
ich den zwang mindestens ein mal Fleisch alle Zwei Tagen zu Essen ist das Normal oder bin ich krank.
Ich esse halt 4 mal am Tag ich esse auch in großen Mengen und früher war ich 2-3 Stunden satt aber jetzt habe ich nach paar Minuten oder 1 Stunde wieder Hunger. Ich meine ich esse zu wenig aber ich muss seid 3 Tagen erbrechen also nicht die ganze Zeit sondern nur einmal. Meine Mutter…
Hallo. Thunfisch in Wasser ist eine gute Proteinquelle. Jedoch bekomme ich ihn so nicht den Hals herunter. wenn ich ihn Püriere hat er dann den gleichen Sattmachenden Effekt?
Ich bin vegan und ich kriege jeden Tag bei meiner Arbeit nur Reis und Nudeln weil die nicht wissen, was man sonst vegan kocht. Ich hab denen schon mehrmals gesagt, dass ich Linsen essen will, aber die haben das dann immer nur kurz berücksichtigt und dann gabs wieder nur Nudeln und Reis. Ich bin sehr…
It’s little.
I have to eat meat every day, otherwise I miss something.
I always have sausages at home to avoid it
Very much sausage also replaces correct meat.
That’s normal. We also eat a lot of meat because man is now a meat eater. Even the Stone Age man was certainly not delighted when he had to leave his dinner to the saber tooth titer and instead eat berries. And I don’t want to know what the Stone Age woman left when he came home without roast. It may have invented the principle of coating with the frying pan. It’s just that the club was swung at that time.
Custom. I had a time too. A lunch without meat was not complete and I was constantly looking for what edible (and usually found chocolate). Gradually reduce meat quantity, then it goes.
If it really has to do this forcibly, although you don’t want it, it’s a forced disorder or a addiction. Right well to realize that without meat you become nervous to panic and, as soon as you have one, it slips down uncontrolledly.
But if you just want it and/or you feel uncomfortable if you don’t eat meat, it’s all right. Your body demands what he needs. From a purely medical point of view, it makes sense to pay attention, unless one exaggerates it and is obviously unhealthy food.
I always eat meats. Every meal and then it is sausage or mett on bread.
Considerable is that you think about meat consumption, find the reason why!
Vielleich you see too many media, choose a limitation of the cause.
completely normal. man is now an all-eater, and the body of a healthy man demands what he needs.
I think you don’t have the “force” to eat meat every day…;)
Compulsion sounds sick.
It’s probably just habit. Try the meatless recipes, there are really delicious things! If you know alternatives, a rare meat consumption might get easier.
Still the question why you keep your eating behavior so critical?
Totally normal, only meat makes meat.
That’s healthy.
everything else would be abnormal