Zuviel Quark schlecht?
Hallo ich esse wenn ich Sport mache ( 5 mal die Woche), 500g Magerquark (nachdem Training) und 400g Skyr ( zum Frühstück). Ich esse auch sonst noch viele andere Lebensmittel. Meine Frage war nun, ob das Zuviel ist oder sogar schädlich. Vielen Dank im Voraus
If your kidney function is OK, you can do that.
The body converts excess proteins into fat or sugar. However, those who are too much protein over a long period of time are constantly burdening the kidneys.
Thank you.
As long as you do not get stomach discomfort, your general diet is balanced and the fat content does not provide overweight, you should be able to do this without any problems.
I eat 80g fat a day to 79,8kg body weight and I am 188 tall
It’s okay.