Zustand der Narkose mit Tod vergleibar?

Ich habe hier mal eine Frage an alle Medizin Fanatiker hier draußen, müsste eine Anästhesie nicht Theoretisch mit dem “Gefühl” des Todes vergleichbar sein? Ich mein natürlich bleiben sämtliche chemische und körperliche Prozesse des Sterbens aus, aaaaber das Bewusstsein ist ja vollkommen abgeschalten und man befindet sich im Optimalfall im Nichts. Kommt das dann nicht Theoretisch ganz gut dran?

Man könnte ja auch sagen dass eine Narkose wohl eher wie eine Ohnmacht ist, was auch stimmt. Ich gehe nur vom generellen empfinden oder eben auch nicht empfinden aus.

Also Konkretisiert, meint ihr so “fühlt es sich an” Tot zu sein?

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9 months ago

No, it’s something completely different. In the case of anaesthesia, the neuron fire in the brain is disturbed, which, unlike in sleep (also deep sleep), coma and unconsciousness, only disturbs consciousness and irritation, while, for example, in the case of deep unconsciousness, there is hardly any brain activity, whereas in deep sleep a very coordinated activity is involved.

The result for the most conscious experience is similar to unconsciousness: You usually do not perceive anything and can not remember

When dying, there is initially a neuronal standstill, then often near death experiences (NTE/NDE), which represent an intense, deeply conscious experience, after which the neurons in the brain remain silent forever

So it could fit for the part of consciousness, but this is only a “no” of the conscious experience and thus the lack of memory. As for near death experiences, there is an extreme difference

9 months ago

Technically, in case of general anaesthesia, one is not dead because machines take on basic functions such as breathing. The brain is lame in large parts, but it does not die.

For me personally, I would describe my two general anesthesia experiences as exactly what I expect to find after death – nothing, just stop waking up.

Could be that I’m wrong with what comes after death.

9 months ago

is just as I think when sleeping. you don’t feel anything unless you dream. but it can also happen that the anaesthesia does not quite work. that means that you can’t move and thus can’t make noticeable, but you feel the pain when the one operate. that is rather rare I think.

9 months ago

No, but suck.

9 months ago
Reply to  Bonzo240195

simply penetrating the whole time XD

9 months ago
Reply to  guterfrager5

Not comparable.

9 months ago

If you sleep, you won’t get anything. So this is just as comparable.