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2 years ago

My friend and I always talk to us when someone doesn’t answer the phone

2 years ago

Luckily, I only know of a person who makes this fortunately always about their status and that you can turn off happiness.

2 years ago

Hello, Dortmunder1986.

I know that for pleasure.

And if I read up, “redirected”, then the comb actually rises. It’s usually such a crap that no person cares.

I have developed a very great concept:

I’ll take this right into the garbage bucket, and don’t let me hear it for days, sometimes even for weeks. As long as the person finally got it.

Greetings, Renate.

2 years ago
Reply to  Renate2804

Hi, Dortmunder1986. Thank you for your review.

2 years ago

I know about my grandparents, too. Every morning and evening, they sent me such annoying “Good morning, I wish you a nice day” and “Good night, dreams what is snowing”. It took a relatively long time to teach them to stop sending me that. But by now, you understand.

Conclusion: Just keep saying that you don’t want to. At some point, people will understand and stop it 🙂

2 years ago

psychic disorder of addiction. Who else is not important or thinks of needing attention, he sends something to others. is a defict in his own perception structure. “I have something great here, everyone has to see it.” I hope ratiopharm soon develops something against it.

2 years ago

Best feeling in the morning wake up at 4:30 and then first 1000 naked cripple GIFS on Whatsapp watch from the boysx

2 years ago

At WhatsApp, you can set that certain people do not store the images on your phone.

2 years ago

Delete chat history and is good.

2 years ago

Rarely, usually only the status is added.

2 years ago

Luckily I don’t know, I don’t have a criminal app from Zuckerberg