Zusammenführung der Dungeons & Dragons gruppe?

Hallo zusammen, ich steh in einer Sackgasse und kimm als DM da nicht mehr wirklich weiter. Ich habe Mitte letzten Jahres mit drei Freunden angefangen DND zu spielen, leider fällt nun einer von ihnen länger aus und ein anderer musst aus beruflichen Gründen die gruppe verlassen. Nun hab ich zum Glück schnell Nachschub für die gruppe gefunden. Nun hab ist es so, dass der eine freund eine freundin gefunden hat ( wofür ich mich auch sehr freue) nur leider ist es gleichzeitig auch so, dass die gruppe und auch ich gerne regelmäßig spielen wollen, er aber gerne soviel zeit wie nur möglich mit seiner neuen flamme verbringen möchte. Und dadurch die Kommunikation zwischen ihm und mit sehr kompliziert wurde. Er meinte auch dass es sein kann ( dass es ihm lieber wäre) nut selten statt regelmäßig zu spielen. Ich weiß aks dm sollte man unparteiisch sein, gleichzeitig war er aber einer der ersten, wenn nicht sogar der erste, der zur original gruppe dazugehört. Ich möchte ihn nicht ausschließen, möchte aber auch regelmäßige Spiele runden machen. Habt ihr ne Idee was ich noch machen kann / sagen kann? Bitte. Danke .

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1 month ago

If a person can only participate irregularly, this is doof for the whole group. Can your friend estimate (and stop) what sessions he shows, or is that rather spontaneous?

My proposal: His character works as a free mercenary detached from the group and therefore comes only when he is once again randomly in the area. The advantage is that it is not essential for the game flow. But as a “quais-NPC”, he won’t be able to build a big bond to the actual group.

As a DM, you don’t really have to make a head of what explains the absence.

1 month ago
Reply to  DerSpieler174

Join the group in the decision.

If everyone agrees to judge your friend – good. If the majority is to continue playing regularly, your friend is in the disadvantage and you need to consider how you playfully implement it.

The fact that priorities are moving is normal and is part of guidance. Do you really want to shoot your entire adventure for a player?

1 month ago

I can understand your dilemma and also find it good that you don’t put the pistol on his chest and say: either regularly or you’re out! (believe, there are such players).

In contrast to the other respondents, however, my proposal aims in a completely different direction: Plays two adventures: one where the mate is, one where he is not with it.

Although “must” then make the players a character hopping, but actually this shouldn’t be the problem (we play several different systems that are repeatedly interrupted because someone else masters; really: if someone leads too long on the piece, others are already buzzing around that they are again …;-))

However, you shouldn’t just decide that, but you should talk to the group. Otherwise, this can lead to snares.

1 month ago

Welcome to my world…

With us in the DnD or Board game group is quite similar:
I created the group at the time to regularly play games together, so once a month there has always been in my mind.
A person is quickly retired because she had hardly any chances to make appointments on a regular basis. For this, another player in the partner joined. The two now have a child with one and a half years and two more players were added. Overall, we are now six and still never manage to get everyone to a table.
The one is almost only on the road with the bike in the mountains, the second is completely out for carnival almost from November to March, the third has constant choir rehearsal, the other two have to do massively with their child and then gives me: no children, regular working hours and grateful hobbies.

Sometimes you just have to accept that the other players have set their priorities differently in life and that something like DnD or P&P is less important than other things. Then you have two options: Either one accepts this and plays more rarely or – as it is the case with us – rather oneshots or one pulls out for oneself his consequences and seeks players who have more time and therefore want to play as regularly as oneself.

1 month ago

Maybe he can convince his girlfriend to join the group.

1 month ago
Reply to  jort93

That is, of course, the best proposal!

Otherwise: sporadically he can take over guest roles / NSCs, he then always has a special task in the adventure that is only relevant for the duration of the session.

1 month ago
Reply to  jort93

That’s a nice idea. A person from our group also brought his then girlfriend, asking her to try it once, and now she is regularly there because she is very much fun 🙂

1 month ago
Reply to  Tichuspieler

I know many who are in a group with their partner.