Zusage aber noch kein Vertrag?

Ich habe mich bei einer Firma beworben und eine Zusage bekommen. Jedoch hieß es, das die Buchhalterin da noch mein Vertrag machen muss usw. Wie lange soll ich warten, um mich wieder zu melden, was damit ist?

Die Zusage kam am Freitag und heute ist Mittwoch. Bis jetzt waren die immer recht schnell und alles passierte innerhalb von 1-2 Tagen.

Update 1 Woche später: Ich habe die Benachrichtigung bekommen, dass ich über ein Online-Portal an der Berufsschule angemeldet worden bin, hab aber immernoch nicht den Vertrag.

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1 year ago

You got a promise on Friday.

The accountant may have. on Monday they learn that they must prepare the contract.

I guess there are other things to do for them that may be more urgent.

If the contract is complete, it must be signed by the AG or authorized representative.

There may also be a works council in operation which must be consulted beforehand.

Now consider whether you can really expect your contract to arrive today.

Wait at least until Friday, then you can call and ask yourself when you can count on the contract.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hexle2

In addition, there is a possible holiday or illness of the accountant. Is like this in my work certificate.

The lady who does it is just in the KH or ReHa because of the surgery or the consequence of it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hexle2

Thanks for star, I guess you got your contract

1 year ago

Jo now relax, it’ll take time.

But if I were to hear that the accountant is putting out work contracts, I would become clueful. None of them exclusively responsible for human resources? Suss.

1 year ago

I once got a promise, the contract took 1 to 2 weeks to sign.

1 year ago

Maybe I’d report again at the end of the week.

1 year ago

sometimes lasts longer, I had to wait almost a month for me, although otherwise everything went quickly

1 year ago

If you got the oral promise on Friday, it’ll be written on Monday. Secretaries also have weekends…….

Then it will be submitted to the boss for signature, which was possibly today. Everything is still within the framework.

Wait till the end of the week, then sign up again.

1 year ago

It’s vacation time. The accountant can also make a holiday.

When are you supposed to start working there? And is the undertaking oral or written?

1 year ago

A carry can take two weeks, so what did you advertise?