Zur Bundeswehr trotz Kritik von Freunden?


Ich interessiere mich schon seit längerem der Bundeswehr beizutreten und habe mich auch schon viel damit beschäftigt und bis tatsächlich sehr überzeugt von der Entscheidung.

Ich habe jetzt mein Abitur und würde dann nächstes Jahr den Karriere weg eingehen, leider hemmt mich die Meinung einer meiner besten Freunde jedoch.

Im generellen wird teilweise extremst scharf gegen die Bundeswehr in meinen kreisen geschossen und ich möchte diese Freunde auf keinen Fall verlieren da sie eigentlich echt super sind

Wie kann ich denen vermitteln dass die Bundeswehr doch nicht so schlimm ist oder wenigstens dass sie mich nicht naja abstoßen werden danach?


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8 months ago

In general, in part extremely sharp is shot against the Bundeswehr in my circles

Is particularly interesting when it comes to people who have no idea about matter.

and I don’t want to lose these friends because they are really great

Friendship ties in young years often do not last for a lifetime, often when the courses are made professionally. This is a knowledge that the course of life teaches.

Apart from who calls himself a friend of someone, he should be objective about the career choice of his “Buddys” and not express himself to the extent that one gets self-doubt. However, one should also stand on such things.

I doubt whether such behaviour is a basis for friendship.

If you are your friend, you will also accept your choice of profession, there is nothing left for him if his friendship means something.

As far as you’re concerned, let yourself go and walk your way. Some odds (also professional) usually only exist once in life, so you should think about whether you are going to be able to provide military service. I don’t think you could regret it later.

8 months ago

Friends come and go. But do you want to spend the next few years repent of this step to go to the Bundeswehr, not to have gone?

I’m a nurse and I advise everyone to do this job. Nevertheless, there are people who want to do this job. And that’s good too. Otherwise we’d have a bigger problem in a few years.

Make you happy. Follow your career desire and teach your friends a better one.

You can only judge it when you follow a certain profession.

The narratives of your friends are only half-knowledge and are not even based on their own experiences.

8 months ago

if they should reject you, that’s not a friend. you will know what you want to do from yourself and honestly friends have no right to speak. there you will meet other people and get other friends 🙂 a lot of success!