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3 months ago

Hello I would like to ask if you can quickly increase through protein bars

If you eat enough of it, you can add fat. It’s faster with chips or chips.

because I’m really thin

If you don’t like it, you should do strength training. When you start training efficient Building muscle mass you want to train the six basic exercises of a whole body training

  • Day 1: Bank presses and rowing
  • Day 2: Knee bows and cross lifting
  • Day 3: Latting and shoulder presses
  • Day 4: Break

Then back from the front.

Make 3 sets of 8 repeats with 1 minute break between the sentences. If you do a ninth repetition in the third set, the weight was too low and you put a kilo on the next day of training.

As a beginner, this training should not be done with free weights (long weight or short weight). Beginners should basically train any training on guided weights – so on machines. Train machines at least until you master the technique and coordination that is necessary for a training with free weights.

If you don’t have equipment (candles or machines), first work out bodyweight exercises. These are exercises where you carry your own body weight and move:

If you want a strong body and want to train at home, you can also invest 20 euros and buy this book: Exercise as in prison: The progressive whole body plan for muscles, strength and an iron will


3 months ago

With protein bars you can increase, but you have to eat at least 9 per day. So if you don’t eat anything else. That’s not a good idea anyway. If you want to increase, I would recommend nuts, nuts or something. Things that contain a lot of wires are best to increase.


3 months ago

Proteins are intended for muscle building and maintenance and no energy source with many calories.

In this respect, they are possibly unfavourable.

3 months ago

Whenever so thin, the protein bars don’t use much, they still cost a lot of money