Zündkerzen Fehler CPI Popcorn?


ich habe gerade die Zündkerze aus meinem Roller ausgebaut weil er nicht richtig fährt, er springt Sehr schnell an fährt aber nur 10 km/h und hört nach 1-2 min auf zu fahren. Der Roller Ist sein CPI Popcorn Baujahr 2001. Zur Info: Die Linke Zündkerze ist die alte, die Rechte die neue die ein Mechaniker eingebaut hat die Neue habe ich jetzt ausgebaut

Könnte mir bitte wer sagen welche Zündkerze ich brauche weil ich denke die mit den 3 polen is die absolut falsche

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3 years ago

A candle with 2 or 3 mass electrodes can also be used. Aaaber for the low ignition voltage of only about 8 KV is rather unsuitable for a scooter. This is used in a car of older and contemporary design with so-called transistor ignitions (TSZ) or high-voltage capacitor ignitions (HKZ) as well as individual ignition output stages. They are 30 – 50 KV.

However, this candle does not cause the box to run so slowly or even go out. The slightly different heat value can also not cause this! Such a loss of power goes either back to the mixture preparation (gasifier) or has a capital engine damage. Also conceivable could be the shimmer rings of the crankshaft defective (hard 9 and leaking). Then he jumps on with automatic starter and as he gets warm and the mixture is weighted off, he goes out.

However, such damage usually precedes a brief increase in performance and speed.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lxquid

Lighter? She’s got nothing to do with it! Set ignition? nowadays, the no longer have adjustable ignition. They have a sensor that gives a signal to a CDI and ensures the ignition pulse at the right time. Air filter can be… conditional! If it’s dense, it’ll clean up until the sprite drops out of the exhaust. Even more unlikely, then a dense carburetor. If the fine holes and channels are sealed….