Zündkerze abgebrochen Roller?
Hallo ich fuhr mit meinem Roller plötzlich stoppte es und es ging nicht mehr an. Ich weiß grad nicht ob dabei ein Geräusch kam aber der Motor dreht sich zurzeit wenn man E Starter oder Kickstarter macht aber es geht nicht an, also Motor dreht sich sofort aber geht nicht an. Der Roller hatte nie Probleme gehabt und wurde immer gepflegt. ich habe die Zündkerze abgebaut und die Zündkerze sieht nicht mehr normal aus, es sieht komplett abgebrochen zu sein. Habe neue Zündkerze angebaut und trotzdem dreht der Motor aber es geht nicht an. Was könnte die Ursache sein, ich freue mich sehr wenn ihr mir hilfreiche Antworten gibt, danke. Guckt euch auch das Foto an von der Zündkerze
So, as long as the thread is not in place, and the insulating part would have broken off, it’s all not bad anymore.)
Get a new,other spark plug.
A brand new candle is often defective.( I already had spark plugs in vehicles with several cylinders and two packs )
First clean the possibly oiled cylinder.Leave a few times without a spark plug.
Oil and soot are thrown out.
Now you check, put on gloves!,whether the spark plug creates a spark and excludes defects in the electrical / ignition system.
The candle stuck in the candle plug, see if the connection is well screwed. Then hold the candle on the cypinder and leave.
A spark must be produced visually.
If this is the case, screw in candle, but do not tighten!
The vehicle should start without any problems.
If there’s no spark, it’s no longer a mess.
Did you look after the fuel? Will the spark plug get wet when you leave without the vehicle starting? If this is not the case, the fuel line, the filter, or depending on the model (usually without) the pump can be added, blocked or defective.
Ignition spark is there as soon as I take the spark plug out again, it’s lightly oily, is that normal?
If you produce the ignition spark, the starter cannot be defective.Of course, compensation, cylinder or carburetor can be the cause.Mach again everything clean .Can start with start pilot or deeiser into the air filter.There is no mucks just the workshop.
may the starter be defective or engine damage? So it certainly happened just because of the spark plug
If the vehicle had jumped, not at all.Maybe there is still oil shmodder in the cylinder. After some time, the spark plug should have dry and clean and a medium-brown color.Is the spark plug oily, does not agree with the ratio / combustion / oil / air supply.Everything clean.Is the spark plug white, then the vehicle becomes hot.oil supply,sprit supply too little.