Zum erstmal mal alleine beim Arzt?
ich (16) habe Magen-Darm und bräuchte für meine Praktikumsstelle ein Attest. Meine Mutter hat für 11:30Uhr einen Termin bei einem Arzt in meiner Straße ausgemacht, da war ich aber noch nie. Ich war noch nie alleine beim Arzt und weiß nicht wie das jetzt abläuft und wie ich nach einem Attest fragen soll.
Danke für alle Antworten.
Please don’t make unnecessary complicated. You go, say who you are, and you need a breath. It’s not rocket science now.
Go to the registration and say I’m……. and have an appointment.
You take your medical card, go to the reception, say what you mean and that you have an appointment at 11.30, show the card that is then put into the reader. You may be asked about your phone number (or your parents). Then you say what you have and that you need a breath. Then you will have to wait in the waiting room until you are called and examined. After that, the doctor will issue an attest as needed or even prescribe something to you. If you get medication, you will go to a pharmacy with your KK card, because the recipe is booked as an e-recept on your card, a paper-form recipe is usually no longer available. Oh, and: If you think it’s good with other patients, put a mask on you, not to put others in a stomach intestine.
Thank you.
At 11.30 p.m.
Login with name, notification that you have an appointment at 11.30. If the doctor’s helper asks, submit requests: gastrointestinal disease, I need an attest.
Maybe you get it right and don’t have to garnish to the doctor anymore. Otherwise you wait in the waiting room until you are called.
All no problem-making Du👍🏻
Go and tell them exactly what you say here! You’ve never been alone with the doctor before, so you haven’t been hungry like that. Just tell them what you need attests, recipes, medicines, etc.! If you’re wrong with any of them, they’ll tell you where you get it from! They don’t laugh and don’t bother you because you’re not a professional patient! Because they want to help people like you, they have learned their job!
Thank you.
So Puh… I’ve got something like that with 16, I’m honest.
You go in there and say, “I have no appointment and I need a breath.” If that’s too much, I really don’t know more
There’s always a first time and this is her first time with the doctor.
Some users do not understand that.
Quite simply: you go, say you probably have a gastrointestinal infect and ask for a medical prescription.
Don’t forget your insurance card!