Zulassen ohne Kennzeichen?

Würde gerne mein Motorrad (Neufahrzeug) zulassen. Versicherung und alles hab ich. Jetzt fehlen nur noch die Kennzeichen, die hab ich online bestellt und somit reserviert. In der Bestätigungsemail stand “Zeigen Sie die PIN bei Ihrer Zulassungstelle vor, um ihr Fahrzeug auf Ihre Wunschkombination zuzulassen.”. Heißt das ich kann auch ohne Kennzeichen mein Motorrad zulassen gehen. Weil ich dachte man muss die immer dabei haben, besonders wegen der Plaketten die darauf kommen.
Ich bitte um Auskunft.


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1 year ago

Of course, you have to have the number plate, precisely because of these plaques for admission district and TÜV. It won’t work.

The PIN is only due to the reservation of the license plate

1 year ago

What you did is reserved only for your license plate combination.

You need to print/print your actual license plate. This goes both cost-effectively online and usually at the approval agency next door. There it costs much more.

I would recommend you order your license plates online. If these are you will walk with your eVB, the TÜV report, vehicle certificate/letter, the pre-filled SEPA direct debit note for the KFZ tax, your license plate reservation certificate + Pin and your license plate to the registration office and allow the moped:)

1 year ago

Yes, you must have the license plates. But you can let them be impressed on the spot.

1 year ago

No. That doesn’t mean you only show the PIN.

1 year ago

Does that mean that I can leave my motorcycle without a license plate.


Because I thought you should always have them, especially because of the plaques that come on.

Just about it.