Things have escalated at home and there's still no money for the apartment. What should I do?
Hello my boyfriend (23) and I (19)
We share a flat with his sister and her friend and things are not going well at all. There are always arguments. We have tried to sort it out many times but it always starts again. We are all mentally burdened. My boyfriend and I just want to get out of there completely but we don't have enough money for an apartment at the moment. Is there a temporary solution or do we have to wait for now.
This is all getting on my mind and I can no longer
Best regards
Dann lasst sie halt streiten, es gibt auch Menschen, die das aus Langeweile machen, oder um Aufmerksamkeit zu bekommen. Falls das die tatsächliche Ursache hinter dem Streit ist, dann ist eine gesunde Portion Ignoranz in diesem Fall wohl die beste Lösung, denn wo keine Aufmerksamkeit, da kein Anreiz den Streit fortzuführen.
Vielleicht zieht erst mal jeder wieder zu den Eltern.