Zugticket per Handy kaufen oder am Schalter?
Was würdet ihr bevorzugen?
Was würdet ihr bevorzugen?
Die Gruppentageskarte ist teurer aber was bringt sie denn was das Hessenticket nicht bringt?
Hi, Kann mir jemand die Frage beantworten wie viel Rabatt man mit der Bahncard 100 1.Klasse in einem ÖBB Nightjet Zug bekommt? Und auch ob die Reservierung inkludiert ist, und wenn ja welche Art? Danke für die Antworten
Was heißt es wenn der Bitmoji unten links kurz auftaucht wenn ich im Chat von einer Person bin? Ich weiß, dass diese sprechblase erscheint wenn die andere Person schreibt. Aber nur dieses auftauchen? Heißt das, die andere Person ist bei Snapchat online oder ist direkt im Chat?
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Hallo, meine Monatskarte ist heute am 4.Okt abgelaufen. Meine Frage ist ob ich morgen damit auch noch fahren kann? Wohne in Berlin Lg
I did this a couple times. The first time was cruel, but now I find it just more stress-free. You’re looking for a bit, letters you want and usually you’re through and you can relax.
I’d better find it.
LG <3
I’m primarily buying the ticket machine, otherwise on the switch. (Due to the German ticket, I only need a ticket in the long distance.)
The fact that at some point 100% of all passengers only book online could fit the train, but not me.
Is very unhygienic and disgusting but if your handy suddenly no longer concerns or so stop at the switch is better
Why is it unhygienic at the switch?
You mean the machine?
Aha I thought about the boxes where you can let tickets out if that’s what you mean in a person, the risk with your phone would be worth it!
With cell phone, I’m too uncomfortable. I have also often observed too long complications when controlling the phones. That’s annoying.
Send to the tablet and mobile! =;-)
Greater and more convenient to use, more overview when searching, more pleasant to talk to someone else (by phone, or chat), …
Hello comes to where it goes, I can also buy a ticket on the bus where you can drive a piece by train
No waiting times, no paper ticket. Saves time and resources.
We don’t have a location near the DB and the machines are often broken, so I prefer to buy tickets in advance by phone
Personally on the switch is my preferred variant. So that the person at the switch has another job.
Couldn’t be a locomotive. Or train attendant, wouldn’t it make sense?
Can (or will) not any.
That’s true, but if there’s a lack of personnel everywhere, you might think about it.
Does this take anything?
If so, I choose the cheaper version.
Otherwise I’m sniffed.
I’d rather have it in paper form. But at the switch it is usually more expensive.
still beautiful and old-fashioned