Zugenommen, ich finde es zu viel?
Ich habe fast eine magersucht gehabt und dadurch einen bmi von 17. Habe aber wieder zugenommen 10kg und jetzt einen bmi von 20,5. (60kg 1,71m).
Ich fühl mich jetzt total unwohl damit und bekomme meine Essgewohnheiten nicht auf die Reihe. Entweder ich esse richtig viel und auch sehr viel ungesunden und kann nicht mehr aufhören oder ich esse etwas restriktiv und kann nicht einschätzen, ob ich satt oder hungrig bin.
Wenn ich zu viel gegessen habe, dann merke ich das, die Kohlenhydrate machen mich müde und fertig. Aber sie machen süchtig. Ich fühl mich so schlecht dabei und hinterher auch und fühl mich dick, insbesondere, weil mein Magen so voll und dick aussieht. Dann fühlen sich meine Beine und Arme auch dicker an (also emotional/psychisch) als an Tagen wo ich besser esse.
Ich weiß nicht mehr weiter, ich will nicht immer entweder Kontrolle haben oder die Kontrolle komplett loslassen
In Therapie bin ich schon
Then follow the advice you get during the therapy! You can’t guess anything else. Because you will have to increase. And best with a good feeling.
Food is not just food intake. It is also pleasure and satisfaction: You’re tired after that. So it’s a good feeling. And there you will have to come. There you are not yet. Your brain still saved the wrong one.
Thank you. Often I don’t just feel tired, but I’m really overeating. I’ll eat a lot. I see that even my father, who is much heavier than me, doesn’t even eat so much
However, this can only be your personal sense of perception. Then a 2nd salad leaf is too much. 😉
“Satt” is therefore relative. And in itself -satt – is a super good feeling. Then when the brain sends it at the right time. Your brain – I said it – is still in the wrong mode. But you can raise your brain. You just have to learn how.
Too bad you don’t feel comfortable with your current weight.
Because it’s the best weight for your size, surely you have a very great figure.
In therapy, you should definitely tell how it feels for you to eat carbohydrates. You still have a solidified feeling in you that it is not “good” to eat, but have appetite for carbohydrates, they do not addiction, but they taste just good.
It’s food, it’s good.
In addition to basic sales, you should take 7000 calories more to you.
This is a part of the eating disorder not to get the measure under control, the goal of the therapy is to eat you tired, without bad conscience and not so much to eat that you are superb.
So neither your arms nor your really thick, you feel it like that.
I wish you a lot of success that therapy will help you feel more comfortable and not have a bad conscience when you eat something tasty.
Good for you.
Thank you for your dear words!
very happy 🍀
To be quite honest, what you’re describing IST Magersucht or an eating disorder. Not only did you have that, but you did. This eternal struggle between control and letting go is a typical symptom of it. I’m afraid you’ll have to find out what you’re doing. This also includes finding out why this is so with you.
Some people need pressure from outside according to the motto “below of x kg you can’t do sports”. Some hear podcasts from sufferers who survived it. Some learn to live with taking a predetermined number of calories each day. Some people think, “Who am I actually, that I let my inner demon prescribe what I eat.”
I can’t say how it’s going to happen to you. But I wish you all the good and great strength! Always remember you’re not alone. There are plenty of forums and self-help groups on the topic of eating disorder. Just try it out!
Thank you.
Experience reports from others really help, that’s true😅 so I’ve only got this right because the symptoms/study were similar
Yes, you suddenly don’t feel so alone anymore, but realize that other people actually have similar problems. And it may not be the ‘normal’ that other people feel. But it’s important that you define a normal for you that you can handle.
Behind a so-called eating disorder is almost always something deeper. It is necessary to find out and change. Why do I need control? Who or what will I do with it? Why do I punish myself? Why do I have the need to break limits and overdo it?…
Oh, yes, of course, I have already asked myself the questions and answered some of them.
As regards eating disorder only indirectly. My niece was veiled and we fought for a long time and have been through almost everything. From apps, personal coaches, nutritional advice, books, podcasts,…to the point where I took all control of her and presented her food, put me next to her until she had eaten it and she did not read the toilet unattended an hour after that. Plus unannounced weighing without having to see the number. It was all natural for them and for me. No one wants to be so controlled and control someone like this is really not fun. But she did not want to go to a clinic (where the patients have much less control over what they do). That was our compromise.
As far as other mental problems are concerned, I speak from my own experience. And it doesn’t matter what a disease/symptome is developed. Eating disorder, depression, addiction, Borderline Syndrome,… the questions about the background remain the same. We can exchange ideas for this.
Yes, good questions… did you even have experiences with this?😅
Promise your disorders with your therapist
It’s normal you don’t feel so comfortable. But you’re on a good way! Stop!
The weight fits, you don’t have to lose weight.
Hello! Your current weight is super, attractiveness and health. But apparently, you are still stuck in the perception disorders of a magnificence
If this goes on in the long term you need to help
Nutrition that leaves you in the current area should you really enjoy