Zugbindung aufgehoben?

Hallo zusammen,

ich hatte ein Zugticket Super Sparpreis (mit festgelegter Strecke) von Stuttgart nach Mainz gebucht. Die Fahrt wäre erst in ca. 2 Wochen gewesen und ich habe heute eine Meldung bekommen das der Zug ausfällt.

Außerdem steht dort ,,Zugbindung aufgehoben”. Kann ich an dem Tag nun einfach jeden Zug von Stuttgart aus nehmen um an mein Ziel zu kommen?

Vielen Dank !

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1 year ago

Yes, if the binding is cancelled, the validity defined on the ticket applies. This usually starts on the day the train had traveled and starts at 00:00 until the next day at 10:00. For example, a ticket for an ICE on Friday has the validity of 09.02.2024 00:00 – 10.02.2024 10:00.

You can then take all trains that will be shown on a connection from Stuttgart to Mainz. Better not move around. You can then take all DB’s long distance trains, ICE, IC, EC, TGV etc. You should also take local trains because they are never bound.

1 year ago
Reply to  anonym9853

Yes, as you have a long distance ticket, you can also take long distance trains such as ICE, IC, EC, the note with the local trains was only that you could have taken them by train.

1 year ago

In this case, you can take any other train that will take you to the destination in usual ways. However, you must observe the specified date of validity of the ticket!

1 year ago

Yeah, you can do if there’s no strike between you.

1 year ago

Yeah, you can.

1 year ago

Yeah, you can.