Zug Toilette?
Würdet ihr bei einer längeren Zugfahrt auf die Zug Toilette gehen
Würdet ihr bei einer längeren Zugfahrt auf die Zug Toilette gehen
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Interessiert mich mal so. L.G. Jenny
Wenn ich mit dem Zug fahre, mir ein Direktticket kaufe (einfach von x nach y), aber 1 mal umsteigen muss, geht es dass ich mir paar Stunden zum umstieg Zeit lassen kann? Also dass ich einfach 2-3 Züge später nehme nachdem ich schon den ersten Zug genommen hab?
Always leave a place as you want to find it. It just has to get in all the heads…
A careful use of all makes it possible to use all of them.
It becomes problematic if a:e user: already eclectic when entering before use, and through problematic practices, there is a risk of creating even greater cleanliness. Honestly, in particular in long-distance traffic, even disinfectant dispensers are available for the toilet seats …
There’s nothing left with a multi-hour drive.
But one should replace half of the toilets with urinals, because the forerunners and skiers will see the bowls – especially when the train takes a curve…
Public toilets, unfortunately, always under the problem that you don’t know if there was a *rosa pentail* on it before – but that doesn’t only apply in trains, that applies everywhere, in department stores, restaurants, in resting places… and even if money is required for use.
As I understand that no one goes to the toilet without “emergence” (not even at home) …
I’ve always tried to avoid it, and most of the time it went. I’m very uncomfortable.
If I have to. For I would be rather unpleasant for me and, of course, also my fellow travelers.
Yeah, I’d do no matter whether big or small.
I have to empty my bubble:) otherwise it will be unpleasant
Never. Even if my eggs burst. The toilets there should all be sealed. Everything is always dirty and stinky and nobody cares about it. Is everything like the zoo there
Your eggs will not burst you, at most your bubble or intestine.
Yes, you are the spokesman and the lawyer of my balls. All right
…and also for you the council, …finger off the drugs!
Yes tomorrow the sun shines again and everything will be okay?
Your eggs, have nothing to do with the urine, and in this context you could also say that the almonds burst. LOL
Only if I have to change my diaper in my position, which I voluntarily wear on train trips and bus trips…
Sure. Do you want me to get out and stop the ride?
As much as in trains, I don’t have anything else.
Yes, of course. but only pee / piss!
It’s good that you called two terms. Witness of some intelligence.
hahahahaha ^ Thank you. I’d like to hear
My God, do you get the worst diseases? If I have to go to the bathroom, I’ll go. Toilets are cleaner than cash machines.
Before I get into my pants, logically.
I’d go through, because train toilets are just as bad as Dixiklos.
sooo bad now also wida not. ^
Ps. Ingenious title picture
If I have to penetrate I go to the toilet 😅😂
I’m just gonna go to the stool on public toilets and don’t sit down.
Better than to make your pants
What else would I do to pee out the window?
…the keyword is “Granini bottle” with the thick bottle opening!