Zug mit 1x Umsteigen?

Ich möchte mit Zug von Österreich nach Schweiz fahren. Es gibt Tickets mit 1x umsteigen, wo ich ca. 8-9 Minuten Zeit habe für umsteigen.

Ich habe keine Erfahrung mit Bahnreisen. Sind diese Umsteigzeiten nicht zu kurz oder ist der Anschlusszug gleich beim selben Steig?

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6 months ago

It depends on the train station, usually whether the train is late and whether the other train is waiting.
Austria and Switzerland both have a cycle schedule (Germany not) with which only possible and meaningful changeovers and connections are planned, such as the train from Basel arriving in Bern to the train from Zurich to continue to drive or the train to Basel stops next to the train to Zurich, etc.

If you have not adapted to the transfer times during connection search, the specified 8-9 minutes should be sufficient for a normally fast person with luggage.

If you know which track your train arrives and the other one goes, you can also watch the train station plan online and get a picture of where the tracks and underpasses or overpasses are located.

6 months ago

At the moment the road map with the “Deuschen Bahn” is a lucky game.

In case of delay, the binding is cancelled and the whole is only caricature.

So take the train and when you get out, you’ll see which train next leads to the zile.

6 months ago

I don’t know whether this goes with Austria/Swiss stations. But there is a website


you can search for German, larger stations. Then scroll down there is a 3D graphics from the station where you can see which track is located.

6 months ago

Yes and no. It’s coming to the station. If the train stops at track 1 and the other at 2 (same pitch) then it is ok. Hold the train to 1 and you have to go to the 15th, maybe no.

But the trains are usually so clocked that it works.

6 months ago

Where are you going and where do you have to change?