Zug fahren ohne Internet ;D?
Also mal ne ganz dumme Frage, ich bin seit sehr sehr langer Zeit wieder Zug gefahren und habe zum ersten mal mir nicht das Ticket über das Internet gehollt, sondern direkt am Automaten.
Nun ist mir an dem Tag aufgefallen das man beim Automaten irgendwie nirgends schauen kann auf welchem Gleis der Zug kommt ( Da die Automaten alle alter Schrott sind ^^ ) oder wie die Zug Nummer ist -.- Ich hab auch kein Fahrplan gefunden und da man selbst an sehr sehr vielen Bahnhöfen kein kostenloses w lan hat suck das richtig
-.- Zum glück hatte ich noch genug Mobile Daten ( Hat mich für 5-10min nachschauen fast 10 Euro gekostet da keine FLAT -.- )
Normally there are stations A board where the departure times and the track stand
Thank you, but I’ve been looking forever and not found -.-
Funny, with us the board is the same or close to the machine
There are plenty of schedules at the station where you can look. If you are on the track, you should look again on the electronic board whether it is really correct (and not changed at short notice).
Electronic panels ;D would already have 90% of the stations in Germany
There is even a board at my village station with 2 tracks. You don’t need them, because locals see where the train comes from and know where it goes.
The drivers from the area also know because the train is always along the federal road. Strangers don’t know.
Well, if you’re at the train station for the first time and don’t have a kp in which direction your destination is the bullshit (if you don’t have a compass in it;D )
Print the train connection on the machine, then you get the (plan data of the) tracks and the train numbers. Zero problemo.
Short-term changes are made sufficiently known on the platform and on the train before reaching the nodes. Zero problemo fortissimo.
At each station in Germany there are yellow departure plans from which tracks and train numbers can be read.
And what, please, is your question now?