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5 months ago

No, you can’t say that in general.

All that can be clearly demonstrated is that taking sugar increases blood sugar.

What will happen then depends on so many factors, especially, of course, the disease diabetes is an essential factor when it comes to taking sugar. Sugar can cause a catastrophe in an existing diabetes disease. Diabetes patients need insulin. But give diabetes patients too much insulin, then blood sugar suddenly falls below normal. Then the diabetes patient even needs sugar to get back to normal values.

Another example is performance athletes, including those who need sugar that they do not store in fat, but in muscles.

However, if there is too little muscle, the organsimus practically does not have any choice but to store the excess energy in fat. And a permanently too high blood sugar is then even harmful to health.

5 months ago
Reply to  berndsporrer

All that can be clearly demonstrated is that taking sugar increases blood sugar.

This is not a problem for non-diabetics at all, as in healthy people blood sugar remains in the reference area.

What will happen then depends on so many factors, especially, of course, the disease diabetes is an essential factor when it comes to taking sugar.

No❗️ Sugar consumption plays no role at all as the cause of diabetes T1 disease!

Sugar can cause a catastrophe in an existing diabetes disease.

Can’t… Sugar consumption is a problem in type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes patients need insulin.

This flat-rate statement is wrong❗️

Only about 5% of type 2 diabetesrs, but ALL type 1 diabetesrs need/spray for sugar, or Carbs insulin!

These are only ~ 15% of all diabetics!

But give diabetes patients too much insulin, then blood sugar suddenly falls below normal.

idR only fits with type 1 diabetics with too much bolusinsulin.

Then the diabetes patient even needs sugar to get back to normal values.

That’s logical!

And a permanently too high blood sugar is then even harmful to health.

Too high BZ can only have diabetics!

5 months ago
Reply to  PachamamaSquaw

Sugar consumption plays no role in diabetes at all.

You misunderstood that. Sugar consumption plays a very important role in diabetes. This is mainly due to the fact that diabetes patients have to give insulin. But sugar makes blood sugar rise quickly, which makes it difficult to control. If diabetes patients then give too much insulin, blood sugar suddenly falls below normal value. Then the diabetes patient even needs sugar to get back to normal values.

4 months ago
Reply to  berndsporrer

Why is there no other choice? The body can also convert sugar to heat (thermogenesis).

4 months ago
Reply to  Lukas1990

The body can also convert sugar to heat (thermogenesis).

The thermogenesis, however, only if necessary with an incoming cold irritation.

2 months ago
Reply to  berndsporrer

That sugar goes into the blood is completely normal. The problem is only when the blood sugar and insulin levels remain constant. This does not happen through sugar, but through fat. Fat is the cause of insulin resistance and exhaustion of beta cells. And insulin resistance leads to many other problems, including fat liver and overweight.

In normal condition, the sugar is quickly stored in the cells and burned. The body struggles with all means to convert sugar into fat. The thermogenesis rises, the glyconic storages are enlarged, it may also be spun out. Sugar is mainly burned and also with a slight excess of calories is not converted into fat. Insulated fructose is the only exception.

On the other hand, food fats are always stored in the fat deposits, even without excess calories.

The fairy tale with the sugar that is always converted into fat comes from the Low Carb Schwurbler scene.

2 months ago

Sugar is converted into fat only at a massive excess of calories, or if you have metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance that increase the de-novo lypogenesis.

5 months ago

You’re the only one who understands nothing.

It’s your name you are. And the only one is written big. But that’s what I’ve analyzed. You just didn’t get my answer right.

5 months ago

No, you’re the only one who doesn’t understand.

5 months ago

This also meant diabetes T1

No, it would not be necessary here to differentiate the T1 because it would have been appropriate here first to differentiate between the further factors in non-diabetics. And that’s why you didn’t really understand my answer here.

5 months ago

But that wasn’t related to the T1.


If you are from “the disease diabetes”

speaks, then is under this

👉Concept for 12 different

Diabetes diseases, of course

also refers to diabetes T1!


You’re the only one who understands nothing.

5 months ago

Sugar consumption plays no role at all as the cause of diabetes T1 disease!

But that wasn’t related to the T1. Diabetes is only a possible factor next to many others. Imagine there are also the factor non-diabetics and other factors. You just didn’t get my answer right.

5 months ago

No, I’ve always been

👉not read, because you have in your

Answer also about diabetes T1 claims:

What will happen then depends on so many factors, especially, of course, the disease diabetes is an essential factor when it comes to taking sugar.

My correction:

No❗️ Sugar consumption plays no role at all as the cause of diabetes T1 disease!

5 months ago

Sugar consumption plays no role at all as the cause of diabetes T1 disease

You can still write that, but not my answer. So write it in your own answer!

But leave my answers alone, you don’t understand anyway!

I didn’t mention anything from T1 at all, you read yourself again.

5 months ago

Sugar consumption plays no role in diabetes at all.

I don’t know

written… so stop in the future

my statements about SINGLE

I had written:

“sugar consumption does not matter at all as a cause of diabetes T1 disease!”


And No I have nothing misunderstood❗️

This is mainly due to the fact that diabetes patients have to give insulin.

No, diese general statement is False❗️

Only about 5% of type 2 diabetesrs, but ALL type 1 diabetesrs need/spray for sugar, or Carbs insulin!

These are only ~ 15% of all diabetics!

5 months ago

Not sugar, but fat is the cause of overweight

Calorie retriction is needed in fat-rich diets to compensate for the whole fat, otherwise you would increase. It is possible to reduce fat-rich diets such as low carb or ketogen by reducing its calories, but a high-fat diet increases insulin resistance, increases cholesterol levels and causes cardiovascular diseases. You can also lose weight without a calorie restriction by feeding yourself very low in fat to avoid storing new fat and moving to boost your metabolism so that mitochondria effectively burn fat. Sugar is not converted into fat, except for a calorie excess, or if fat production in the liver is promoted by insulin resistance or fatty liver. The Single copy Sugar, which is actually converted into triglycerides in the liver, is isolated fructose (e.g. hundreds of grams of fruit sugar powder).

Saturated fat intake and resistance insulin in men with coronary artery disease. The Stanford Coronary Risk Intervention Project Investigators and Staff
1991: The absorption of saturated fatty acids is positively related to the BMI, the absorption of carbohydrates negative. An attractive explanation for this observation is that food fat is converted more efficiently into body fat than carbohydrates: food fat can be stored in the fatty tissue with a metabolic energy requirement of 3% of the absorbed fat calories, while the metabolic energy requirement for the storage of carbohydrates in fat requires 23% of the absorbed carbohydrate calories. In addition, the saturated fatty acids, regardless of whether they make us thick, can contribute to the development of insulin resistance and its clinical consequences. (Since the conversion of small sugar molecules into long fatty acids is complicated and wastes energy, the body burns carbohydrates and primarily stores food fats.)

Regulation of endogenous fat and carbohydrates in relation to exercise intensity and duration
1993: The energy supply depends on the intensity of the physical load. With lower physical stress (e.g. walking), you burn more fat and less sugar. With high physical stress (e.g. sports), you burn more sugar and less fat.

A low-fat diet and/or strenuous exercise ages the IGF axis in vivo and reduces prostate tumor cell growth in vitro
2003: The one group has fed up normally and made intensive sports 1 hour a day. The other group has fed vegans and had only slight movement, such as walking. After 14 years, the group with strong physical activity was still overweight and the vegan group has reached an ideal body weight.

Dietary trans fatty acids and composition of human atheromatous plaques
2004: The fatty acids from the oils are found both in the atherosclerotic plaque and in the fatty tissue. Oils thus promote overweight, damage the vessels and promote the development of atherosclerosis.

A two-year randomized weight loss comparing a vegan diet to a more moderate low-fat diet
2007: Vegan diet against the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP), a diet regarding weight loss: The vegan diet is gaining.

Effects of 7 days on ad libitum low-fat vegan diet: the McDougall Program cohort
2014: Vegans who fed up low-fat and rich in carbohydrates and were allowed to eat as much calories as they wanted took off.

Obesity Energetics: Body weight regulation and the effects of Diet Composition
2017: Meta-analysis of 32 Isocaloric Metabolic Ward Studies: “‘Calories in, Calories out’ is scientific nonsense.” Weight changes are accompanied by an imbalance between calorie intake and consumption. This fact is often misinterpreted in such a way that obesity is caused by obesity and laziness, so that people are simply advised to eat less and move more. However, various components of the energy balance are dynamically connected to one another, and weight loss is counteracted by opposite physiological processes. Our meta-analysis revealed that both energy consumption and fat loss were greater in low-fat diets. (The less fat, with the same number of calories, the more you decrease.)

Will sugar be converted into fat? De-novo-lipogenesis (reformation of fatty acids):

Glycogen storage capacity and de novo lipogenesis during massive overfeeding in man
1988: It was checked how carbs are used in overfeeding. The glycogen stores of the 3 male subjects were emptied before the 7-day carbohydrate feed began.Large numbers from the graphic:Date 1: 400 g of carbohydrates were burned.Day 2: 500 g of carbohydrates were burned and 100 g were converted into fat.Day 3: 500 g of carbohydrates were burned and 200 g were converted into fat.Day 4: 500 g of carbohydrates were burned and 250 g were converted into fat.Day 5: 500 g of carbohydrates were burned and 450 g were converted into fat.Day 6: 500 g of carbohydrates were burned and 450 g were converted into fat.Day 7: 500 g of carbohydrates were burned and 500 g were converted into fat. First, the glycogen stores are enlarged before carbohydrates are converted into fat.

De novo lipogenesis during controlled overfeeding with sucrose or glucose in lean and obese women
2001: 8 slim and 5 overweight women received meals that covered their daily calorie requirements and received 50% additional calories in the form of 27.3% sugar (saccharose or glucose) and 22.7% fat (oil or butter). During the 4-day overfeed, the test subjects received 1398g carbohydrates, burned 1280g, resulting in a carbohydrate balance of 115g.Fat production by the De-novo-Lipogenesis was only 4g. The fat supply during this period was 512 g, of which 233 g were burned, so that all subjects had a fat balance of 278 g.“The De-novo Lipogenesis does not contribute significantly to the overall fat balance.”(According to a calorie surplus, sugar hardly contributes to weight gain. About 90-97% of the fats stored in the body are due to the fatty acids from the food.)

Not sugar, but fat (and cholesterol) is the cause of and. A high-fat diet leads to insulin resistance and fat liver, which in turn promotes the de-novo lipogenesis in the liver, so that sugar is increasingly converted into fat. One of the over 40 studies:

Pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome: The importance of ectopen fat deposits in liver and skeletal muscles
2005: Fat causes metabolic syndrome.Figure 1: The mitochondrial dysfunction in the skeletal muscles of descendants of type 2 diabetics restricts the fatty acid oxidation capacity. Propagated fatty acid metabolites lead to the occurrence of insulin resistance and a subsequent reduced glucose absorption (1). Fatty acids and cytokines released from the fatty tissue also favor insulin resistance of skeletal muscles (2). Compensatorically, an increased distribution of insulin from the β cells of the pancreas (3). Hyperinsulinemia, however, promotes de-novo-lipogenesis in the liver, although the glucose production of the liver itself can no longer be suppressed by the increased insulin levels (“mixed hepatic insulin resistance” [4]). Fatty acids and cytokines increasingly released from the fatty tissue also promote the formation of a fatty liver and the hepatic insulin resistance (5). Finally, the pancreatic β-cells are also damaged by the increased circulating fatty acids (“Lipotoxicity” [6]), and in the case of declining insulin secretion, a manifest diabetes occurs.

5 months ago
Reply to  ShigaNaoya

You can use high-fat diets like Low Carb ….

A low-carb diet is

Not necessarily rich in fat

Low-Carb is not in Ketose!

TheSingle copySugar, which is actually converted into triglycerides in the liver, is isolated fructose (e.g. hundreds of grams of fruit sugar powder).


‘Especially not required Glucose is stored in the liver and muscle cells as glycogen. If the memory is filled, Excess glucose converted into fat and stored in the fat deposits in the body. ‘ metabolism of the motor-fuer-unseren-koerper#:~:text=dead%20non%20ben%C3%B6tigt%20Glucose%20wird,%20Fettdepots%20im%20K%C3%B6rper%20.

5 months ago
Reply to  PachamamaSquaw

A low-carb diet is NOT necessarily rich in fat

A low fat diet is rich in fat. You cannot feed yourself from 2000+ kcal of protein. Moreover, this would be unhealthy because a protein excess has to be dismantled in a complicated manner. This would strain the kidneys and bones enormously and increase IGF-1, mTOR and CRP.

Low-Carb is not in Ketose!

Strawman argument. You attack a position I don’t hold. metabolism of the motor-fuer-unseren-koerper#:~:text=dead%20non%20ben%C3%B6tigt%20Glucose%20wird,%20Fettdepots%20im%20K%C3%B6rper%20.

Articles are not sources/no evidence. I’d like to see the studies. Correction: Sugar is converted to fat only when

  1. in the calorie surplus,
  2. if you take a lot of isolated fructose, or
  3. if you have pre-disorders such as insulin resistance* and fatty liver* that promote the de-novo lipogenesis in the liver. *These are caused by fat, as demonstrated by dozens of studies.

In healthy people who have no insulin resistance, no fat liver and no calorie excess, sugar is not converted to fat, but burned. A sugar surplus is also burned and the glycogen store can be increased by up to 30-40%. By all means, the body resists converting small sugar molecules into long fatty acids because it wastes energy. The body will always primarily store food fats and burn sugar. Only in extreme situations sugar is converted to fat. The problem is that all people eat rich in fat and lose the ability to metabolize carbohydrates properly.

1 month ago

A low carb diet is rich in fat.

There you can still walk around so much with your hands and feet and shout, “NO, NO, NO, NO!!”

One reduces his carbs (which does not make any sense from a health point of view, because carbohydrates are healthy and do not cause diseases) and what is eaten instead? What is the missing calories? With fat.

This is why intramyozelular lipids, cholesterol levels and probabilities increase in atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, intestinal diseases and cancer.

4 months ago

No, she’s not!

5 months ago

Oh, I mean, of course, a low carb diet is rich in fat.

5 months ago

A low fat diet is rich in fat.

That’s bullshit and a low-fat

Nutrition has not been discussed anyway!

5 months ago

Calorie excess remains as fat deposits in the body. No matter what macronutrient.

5 months ago

Hello qwerlll, 👋

Is it true that sugar remains in the body as fat?

no + yes.


From all carbohydrates in the intestine

single-chain sugar = glucose = grape sugar.


If you are not too much sugar, or not too much sugar

Carbs eat/drink, transforming the

Glucose not in fat, but becomes as energy

consumed/burned. Also the brain 🧠

needs a lot of glucose to work.


But if you are too much sugar or too many sugars

Carbs eat/drink, transforming the

Glucose in fat and gets into the fat pad

in stock.


The same so also happens when you too many

carbohydrates (bread, rice, potatoes, noodles,

etc… Because:

From ALL carbohydrates (except ballasts)

👉Glukose = grape sugar

100 g carbohydrate = 100 g glucose!

LG 🙋🏻

~~ Daily calculate ALL carbohydrates ~~

5 months ago
Reply to  PachamamaSquaw

What I lack in the answer here is that it has not been mentioned at all that there are great individual differences and it depends on numerous other factors whether sugar is converted into fat or not. And also the disease diabetes is an essential factor when it comes to taking sugar.

It can only be clearly shown that the intake of sugar increases blood sugar. But what will happen then depends on the many other factors, such as the question: is there a diabetes disease, yes or no.

5 months ago
Reply to  berndsporrer

… “the disease diabetes”…

there is no!!

5 months ago

No, I don’t see your bullshit.

But at least you see that it was completely superfluous of you.

5 months ago

No, I don’t see your bullshit.

5 months ago

What a nonsense

It’s nice to finally see this.

5 months ago

What a bullshit. 🤦🏻

5 months ago

You may try to understand my statements correctly for a change.

Your problem is that you can only relate this to your own waiting, although it was not related to the T1 in the case at all. Diabetes is only a possible factor next to many others.

And imagine that there are also the factor of non-diabetics and other factors. So once again a completely unnecessary distraction maneuver on your part

5 months ago

So, but you mean, diabetes doesn’t exist.

No, I didn’t mean that.

You may try to understand my statements correctly for a change, instead of twisting everything and misinterpreting it from ignorance & incompetence!

5 months ago

This is a lie

So, but you mean, diabetes doesn’t exist. But why do you write it wrong?

Then just admit that you don’t know.

5 months ago

That’s a lie and I didn’t say that. Don’t worry about my statements.

5 months ago

Diabetes does not exist

Well, always if you don’t know anymore, then there’s not.

5 months ago

Hi, qwerlll. 😊

No, it only affects the existing blood sugar.

It can result in weight loss, and then this is natural, not entirely, fat.

Greetings, Renate. 😊

5 months ago

Yes, Baeren eats their winter pasture in autumn. They do this mainly by fruits, with the fruit flick not being used, only sugar juice. This is converted to fat 1:1. It’s a long time for people.

5 months ago

sugar that is not processed is stored as a fat reserve in the body,

that serves as a heat store, and helps in survival

5 months ago
Reply to  qwerlll

it comes to the total calories you take to you daily, and consume

5 months ago

All you can eat too much as a fat reserve in the body.