Zucken bei ohnmacht?
Hey eine Frage ? Es gibt eine neue Droge die Lachgas heißt und bei zu viel inhalieren kann es zur Ohnmacht kommen , weil das Gehirn ja kein Sauerstoff bekommt usw
als ich es damals genommen habe bin ich auch oft in Ohnmacht gekommen und mein Körper hat komplett gezuckt.. weiß jemand was sowas bedeutet ?
What was going on right here can’t judge lay people from a distance. I can only say you might have exaggerated it.
General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:
Laugh gas is not a new drug.
What does that mean? You wrote that yourself. The body gets no oxygen and then reacts with such extreme reactions under certain circumstances.
Others do not react like that. Only I’m dressed up with powerlessness wonder what it means
It clearly means that you don’t get the salmon gas and it’s just a matter of time before you get a full epileptic seizure of it.