Not enough money for a year abroad?
I (male, 14, high school) would be very interested in an exchange year. The big problem is that my parents don't have a lot of money, and certainly not more than the approximate amount of €8,000 we were told they would be enough. Is there any way to participate in such an exchange?
a year abroad during school, a student exchange, is a good idea. For your questions:
For action: The student exchange is a larger project. You should do that systematically:
An overview of the tasks of the exchange organisations and how to find the best provider this blog post
Best regards
The largest exchange organisations usually have their own scholarship forums. These scholarships are awarded according to need and are often in the very low four-digit area (I got about a third of the program price at that time). However, it is necessary to prove the need and there are some families in which “we have no money for this” is just their own subjective perception and the public finances speak a different language. One must always realize that an exchange year is an “extra” for which one should also be prepared to sacrifice something. Whether this victim is the waiver of family holidays, or the sale of the car, or as in the case of my parents: the acceptance of a credit.
I think there are possibilities. For example, the school can take part in the costs. You have to apply for that. It’s best to talk to your teacher in confidence. Hopefully you find a solution and you can join the exchange year. Where should the foreign year go if I may ask.
I haven’t thought about it yet. The only thing I know is that I would like to do it very much and actually have very good grades.
Make a minijob and save your merit for 4 years of it and if you are 18 you can make an au pair year in the usa
If you have good grades and your parents have little money there are scholarships. The responsible organization that organizes the exchange can give you certain addresses and hints. With 16 you could also work yourself and earn a part of it.
With 8000€, you will not be able to do whatever depends on the country you want to live in.
For example, you can look for a “nex” job and a holiday job for 4 weeks a year.