Zu wenig gegessen?
Hallo, unzwar nehme ich zurzeit sehr ab und wollte fragen ob ich heute genug gegessen habe Weil ich nicht abnehmen will sondern normal bleiben will wiege um die 59 kg oder weniger und bin 1,83 und 15
gegessen habe ich:
1 Schale Kellogs (halbe handvoll) gemixt mit Haferflocken (viertel handvoll)
1 Oreo Keks, 1 Handvoll Chips,
1 halbe schale lasagne und einen halben fish .Mac
Joa mehr wars glaube ich nicht
The dish Kellogs about 100,000 calories
The half fish mac 125,000 calories
Half the dish lasagna with good will 200,000 calories.
Cookies, Chips and Milka ca. 100,000 calories.
Power Together 525,000 calories
if you are moderately active you have a turnover of 2.288.000 calories
If math didn’t always get chalk, you should realize that you’re covering a quarter of your sales with your consumption. That’s why I’m telling you to have to eat it three more times.
If you eat this three more times, we’ll come to an area where the basic needs are to be covered.
Have eaten 2 pieces Milka chocolate
Yeah, that doesn’t mean anything.
Sorry about accident ne new answer written
How do you know
Would calculate my basic needs
you know that this isn’t enough and will come here to get a confirmation