Zu welchem Sanitätshaus soll ich gehen, zu meinem im Ort oder zum Sanitätshaus in der nächsten Stadt?

Ich will mir einen anderen Rollator holen, zu welchen Sanitätshaus soll ich gehen, zu meinem im Ort oder zu einem anderen? Bei meinem im Ort habe ich mir das Standardmodell geholt und könnte es praktisch tauschen gegen ein höherwertiges Modell. Beim Nachbarort müsste ich ein weiteres Modell bezahlen, die haben aber auch mehr Auswahl.

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2 years ago

Go to both sanity houses and find out the model you’d best get clear with. Since you want to pay it yourself, so that it belongs to you and not the health insurance company, you don’t have to pay for any cooperation with your health insurance company.

2 years ago

You need a vehicle that works well. If you get that in your place for reasonable money, that’s enough.

Remember: it is enough if it is good; it doesn’t always have to be the best.

2 years ago

Depend on your requirements.
If you go to Beiden you can look at everything and decide where to buy.

2 years ago

If the shop and the staff are there, why then change to the next place…

2 years ago

You have to go to the sanity house with which your health insurance has a cooperation agreement.

You can’t choose that.

You can send a roller to you, you don’t have to pay for yourself

2 years ago
Reply to  Wolpertinger

However, the FS wanted to pay the aid completely by itself, because it should belong to it and not the health insurance.

In another question, she annoyed herself about why her current loan model is not sold to her.

Accordingly, it doesn’t matter which sanity house she goes.

2 years ago
Reply to  Selkiade

Rollers are in possession of patients/customers at some point.

Hardly a sanity house is interested in picking up.

In old homes, things are piled up to the ceiling.

You don’t have to buy it

2 years ago

then you are happy, we have the cellars full of rollers and wheelchairs and have so many soft storage mattresses that have never been picked up that we have been lying in all our beds

2 years ago

Rollers are in possession of patients/customers at some point.

Perhaps unofficial, but official borrowers still belong to the health insurance.

Hardly a sanity house is interested in picking up.

So then we have 3 very rare sanity houses? For with us (obstructed aid) all no longer required loan aids are collected. We always get mail from our sanity houses, whether the respective aid is still in use or not. In case of non-use, they are very fast to pick up. Only in the beginning of the week we processed 2 such letters (flegebett & Rollator). The roller shutter is no longer in use and will be picked up next week.