Zu viele Hobbies?
Meine Mutter sagt, ich soll wieder mit Garde anfangen soll, da ich mich zu wenig bewege und mich auch nicht oft mit Freunden treffe.
Bisher sieht meine Woche so aus:
Mo: Chor
Di: Tennis , Chor
Fr: Chor
Würdet ihr sagen, ich sollte Garde wieder anfangen?
(Bin 13)
You need to see what’s right with you. If your mother has observed that you lack the balance or you seem lonely, but you don’t have fun or people are stupid, maybe you should actually look for another hobby to balance it and get mentally balanced and don’t go to the ground. If there is too little sport, you can increase tennis or take a walk with a few friends – for that you do not necessarily need another hobby.
If it’s too much for you, stay there. It’s all right and totally okay if you like to be alone. Not every person needs a lot of social contacts at every stage of his life. Sometimes you just need time for yourself, even if you were used to it because of the pandemic and you did well.
If I compare it with other weeks of adolescents known to me, your leisure program is quite normal. However, there are also young people who have 16 hours of leisure program in the week and others who have no hobbies except reading or television. Find your own way that feels good for you and makes you happy.
Thank you for your detailed answer! Garde’s making fun of me and I’d like to start with it again. I just wanted to know if it’s “nomal” to have so many hobbies 😉
That’s normal, don’t worry. Fortunately, people are different. After sport, I’m totally balanced and energetic, but my girlfriend needs two days of rest… The beautiful thing that you can taste at your age all time and in case of doubt you can stop it at any time.
So this isn’t so much. Under the week you have a long day and once 1.5 hours choir.
Friday choir counts for weekends.
Your plan is relatively relaxed. If you want, you can start again
No way. However, you can also make them alone if you want to. Then it is not obligatory.
Once more tennis would be enough.
I think… At 15 this isn’t so stressful, but why do you have three times the week choir?
Choir is just fun, so I’m stuck in several. But in a few months I’ll stop with one of the choirs
Then make sure
I wouldn’t have a bump. You don’t have to do anything.