Zu viele fehlstunden im Abi?
Ich habe krankheitsbedingt im Fach Chor über 50% gefehlt und bin dementsprechend nicht bewertbar. Kann es passieren das ich nun nicht zugelassen werde? Mal abgesehen davon, das aufgrund der Unterkurse sowieso die Wahrscheinlichkeit hoch ist bei mir.
Your teachers must also have a pedagogical discretion regarding this.
There is not simply said “You missed 50% = not passed”.
If you are really difficult to evaluate due to the high shortages, teachers would also look at where the high shortages come from and talk to you.
In most cases, teachers also have a sense of whether someone was really hard sick or just looking for reasons to stay away from school.
If someone was really sick, but it shows that you have retrieved the missing fabric, you will hardly refuse to exist. In doubt, one would also find solutions such as a replacement test or the like. This is necessary, but I can rather imagine in math, German or foreign languages, as in the choir.
In addition, development over the entire school year is also seen. This means that if you are regularly there until the end of the school year and are there, you will show a positive performance that teachers will also take positive consideration. There’s nothing left!
Got it. I left school today and, for reasons of motivation, I am “just” with fachabitur finished school.
If you have not received any grades in a subject and are therefore not rated, the course is evaluated as “not occupied” and counts as 0 grades ( 6 ). So you wouldn’t have been admitted to Abitur
Even if it only concerns one semester?