Zu viele Eukalyptus bonbons?
Das ist vielleicht nh komische Frage aber geht das?ich habe innerhalb von ca einer Woche eine ganze Packung gegessen das waren 50 Stück ist das normal also ich bin nciht krnak aber es schmeckt mir einfach.normal oder nicht?
No why it should be sick, maybe a bit unusual that someone too many eucalyptus candies like others like rubber bears or other candies but sick isn’t that if it tastes you then you can eat as many as you want quite honestly this isn’t sick that’s completely normal, my son is sometimes quite a lot of this is filled two wo juicy, very often but good if the eucalyptus but it tastes as normal then you can eat so much as well!
I don’t think so!
The essential oils are not so concentrated that they could cause damage in these amounts of consumption.
Eucalyptus is anti-inflammatory and germicidal!
If it still tastes you, nothing negative can be found!
I use only Eucalyptus oil in my steam bath!
Isn’t bad, one of our class has always distributed to the fellow students 👍
Plenty of sugar and can be abductive in excessive consumption.