Zu viel Wasser getrunken gefährlich?
Hab vor circa einer Stunde innerhalb von 45 min 750ml Wasser getrunken nun gluckert mein Bauch ab und zu und fühlt sich bisschen voll an. War aber schon zwei mal auf Toilette danach. Hab jetzt irgendwas von Hyperhyfration gelesen hat mir Angst gemacht. Kann das sein? Hab ich zu viel getrunken?
That’s what I’m executing 4 times in an hour, ask Abiturienten students, what they’re gonna do in an hour. I mean, my personal record would be in the range of 4 liters in the time, I never drank competitively. Oh, yeah, I had a patient who drank 26L in 12h, but then really moved to an intensive care unit. You see the conditions.
Thank you.
No, it’s safe. Glucking is normal.
No, it’s completely safe.
Not so much to read with Google and 750ml within 1 std is not so much now. That’s how many in pubs leave in beer form within a few minutes
No, you have to drink 5 liters in a short time.
Your drinking is absolutely harmless.
If not. So, agree fully.