Zu viel Nudeln als Sportler?
Ich M(16) bin aktuell mal wieder in der Aufbauphase und muss an Trainings Tagen (4) 3500kcal essen und an Trainings Freien Tagen(3) 3000kcal essen. Kann ich nun jeden Tag Mittags Weizen Nudeln essen? Ich komme sonst nicht auf meine Kalorien und Kohlenhydrate. Sind also 2,3kg Spaghetti die Woche gesund?
Forget the nonsense with “mass phase” and “definition phase”.
This concept is at best useful for bodybuilders who already fully trained are the maximum amount of muscle have built up and those who have to build as much muscle as possible on a specific date (competition).
But you train for how long – a year? For you, a mass phase simply means that you get a fat belly. Your Muscle structure is not larger due to a “mass phase”.
You will then think about the mass phase and the definition phase if one day you have reached the genetically possible maximum of muscle build-up.
No .From “calorie” you become fat but not muscular.
What are you doing? Noodles hardly contain protein. But you need protein for muscle building: Nutritional values spaghetti
This depends on your other diet. A single food is never healthy or unhealthy. Only the Total a diet. If you all required nutrients sufficient and not too much, your diet is healthy – no matter how much spaghetti you eat or not.
I have 160g-180g protein every day. Then why more?
160g protein, 418g carbohydrates, 118g fat. But with this plan noodles are planned at noon. But my coach said nothing about all the noodles.
Should I put the diet plan in here?
Better not. A sensible diet for a 16-year-old includes (even if the motorsport is doing)
You can here enter your data, then you can find the optimal quantities for you:
With your diet plan, none of it fits:-(
How great is yours KFA?
Energy revenue depends essentially on your existing Musculature. In your app you did not enter your muscle mass. There you certainly only entered size, age, weight and gender. These are factors that have no influence on your basic turnover and therefore no influence on your performance.
A 1.80 tall, 100 kg heavier and 40 years old man with beer bauch has a much lower performance turnover during the same daily routine as a 1.80 large, 100 kg heavier and 40 years old muscle-packed bodybuilder.
For your app, however, these are two identical persons.
Look at the responses, I sent my data there.
Certainly not. 1,200 kcal would be about 3 hours of training without a break. So about 6 hours of training including set breaks and device change: https://www.fitcomputer.de/calorienkonsum/USC02060/Training+im+Fitnessstudio+%28average value%29?set=180&groesse=170&weight=70&alter=16&sex=m
Even if you were to make bank presses for 3 hours without a record break, the calories consumed would only be 950 kcal additional consumption. 210 kcal would you consume if you were to sleep for 3 hours.
Here another GF user told about his bulk and his mass phase. If you want to look like that, please. I don’t care:-)
I have to measure all the values first with the extent that I do the same. But 2000kcal?????? I burn at training 800kcal to 1200kcal. How am I supposed to eat 2000?
Have heard and read it should burden the intestine, digestion etc and you should eat only 1-2x a week noodles. Ggf couple of pasta meals with potatoes, rice etc
Eat already 1.4kg of rice per week. I could take potato to it, but I can’t replace the 250g carbohydrates from the noodles. 360g potatoes have only 68g carbohydrates.
Every day 200g of rice is also brutal, since when do you make it so 😅
Since Saturday, it goes about until January so