Zu spät arbeitslos gemeldet, was nun?
Hi, ich war 8 Monate schwer krank und bezog Krankengeld+Bürgergeld.
Nun bin ich gesundgeschrieben, habe es allerdings nicht gewusst mich beim Arbeitsamt arbeitslos melden zu müssen, dies geschah nun 8 Tage zu spät.
Bekomme ich für die 8 Tage weiter Bürgergeld oder weder Arbeitslosengeld 1 noch Bürgergeld?
Falls ich beides nicht bekomme, was kann ich tun?
Vielen Dank
It may be that you do not receive benefits for the 8 days (either citizens’ allowance or unemployment benefit), but you should contact the job center or work office to clarify your situation. In many cases, there is a cunning regulation or possibility for post-registration.
There’s no such thing.
If you are entitled to unemployment benefit, this should also be granted.
If you’re still in the civil money cover, he can go on first.
You only have to report it to the job centre once unemployment benefit has been granted.
Sickness is probably not paid anymore.
Hm? Why can’t there be? The FS isn’t sick anymore?
There are no “health spells” in Germany.
If you’re healthy again, you just won’t get sick anymore 🙂