Zu dünn?
Hi bin 13 Jahre und wollte fragen ob h zu dünn bin
Hi bin 13 Jahre und wollte fragen ob h zu dünn bin
Betrifft nur die mädels
Hi Leute hab ne frage und zwar ob die Schuhgröße was mit der Körpergröße zu tun hat weil ich seh bei Leuten die extrem lang sind aber keine große Füße haben und oder ich seh die kleiner sind aber sehr große Füße haben
Weil im Internet steht unter 15. aber meine Mutter meinte, dass man auch schon bei einem bmi von 16,5 eingewiesen werden kann, ohne dass man das will. aber stimmt das? Weil 16,5 ist ja nicht mal wenig
Mögt ihr euren Körper, weil ich finde mich hässlich und dick aber die anderen sagen das ich schön aussehe ich weiß nicht was ich glauben soll. aber schreibt gerne rein ob ihr euren Körper mögt oder nicht
Also was klingt euch größer?
I didn’t know you could live so thin. Or is the picture taken?
No the picture is normal
Well, as I said, looks enormously thin. Didn’t know that this is possible at all
Do your parents know you posted this photo?
According to policies, you can only be logged in if your parents allow and control this
And the moderators don’t care…
However, maybe they should read their own guidelines:
And it goes on…
Well, the only thing they removed was the user’s comment on your request, whether the parents know about it.
Without words…
Too thin.
It is difficult to judge. We don’t know your weight and size. But I don’t think you’re too thin if there’s only something.
Going towards Magersucht
Very slim I would say I don’t know how big you are. Something more on the ribs would certainly not hurt you.
It tends to be just sad as you seem to be looking for attention.
In the question that has just been deleted everyone said to you that you are definitely too thin. If you have a delayed perception and that everything doesn’t look like you should go into therapy
Yes, “comely” their questions always disappear where too many answers say “too thin”.
Sorry, but you’re not doing anything else.
First you’re under 14. Please don’t do pictures of you on the internet
Just nö .
You’re lying, you can judge it badly. In addition, you are in growth. You shouldn’t worry about it. You should always eat rich
The image fits your username
Photoshop needs to be done. Makes my grandma better without glasses
You are much too foolish on all photos, even on those you delete because you don’t like answers.
No, it’s still within the framework.
Don’t worry, there’s something in puberty
No, you’re not. Right.
You are
Can you accept FA?
But didn’t know that a boy would know
Are you girls or young