Zu dick für die Ausbildung?


ich habe gestern eine Zusage für eine Ausbildung in der Pflege bekommen, muss aber vorher noch eine Untersuchung machen um zu prüfen, ob ich für die Ausbildung geeignet bin.

online steht, dass man ab einem BMI von 35 abgelehnt werden kann, und meiner ist leicht darüber. Ich habe aber keinerlei Probleme viel zu laufen oder mich zu bewegen. Kann ich trotzdem abgelehnt werden, oder passiert das nur, wenn man in seiner Mobilität eingeschränkt ist?
Ich bin gerade am abnehmen, also sollte ich bis zum Termin noch einiges runter haben, ich mache mir trotzdem echte Sorgen.

danke im Voraus

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1 year ago

Since you have received a commitment, the training company seems to have no concerns.

Don’t worry. This aptitude study is often only one pro forma thing. It doesn’t matter.

This is going on quickly at work and racing in care.

1 year ago

Whether they will reject them – for whatever reason – nobody can say here.

Running won’t be the problem. Not yet. What about wigs? Other people wear shoes, socks? Etc.

1 year ago
Reply to  crystalb1tch03

Then success

1 year ago

Ohh, I don’t know, but if you’re under 35 until the date, there’s no problem.

Vlt. they are also more concerned about the late episodes when you are so adipous🤷 ♀️.

Good luck in any case with your training as well as taking off. AGE

1 year ago

Obesity always tends to multiply. If you now weigh 100 kg, then in 2 years probably 115 kg.

Obesity also increasingly depends on the body. That’s what you can do today, you can’t do it in 8 years.

You can also have diabetes II that weakens you in every way.

That is, you should tell the training center that you have been intensively engaged in nutrition and have found a good way.

The only working way consists of my experience in “low carb”.

1 year ago

Maybe it helps if you say you’re just guessing that job you have a lot of movement. If you’re more overweight and then you’re sitting at the office chair all day, it’s unhealthy. So you show that you don’t shy the movement and worry about your health.

1 year ago

Well, I think if you’re credible insuring that you’re losing it then that’s not a problem and you should really do that.

1 year ago

I would look forward to this appointment at your place – that you would be suitable, you already showed up at the interview…

In view of the existing “Pflegenotstand” every young person is to be welcomed, who intends to accept it!

Continue with weight reduction – healthy diet, compensating sports and hiking help you…

I would recommend courses for back school, correct lifting, wearing – and for anesthetics!

I wish you all the best – much joy and fulfillment in working with sick people!

1 year ago

I can imagine that you could still be rejected… who don’t write that without reason… moreover, a BMI of over 35 is already strongly obese, which is why I would advise you to do what to do, even if you think it’s barely restricted 😬☺️

1 year ago

Requirements are requirements. You also need to keep

1 year ago

I know some nurses who had definitely a BMI over 35 in training. You should take off anyway.

1 year ago

I have no problems running or moving

Yes, still you didn’t. Your activity should last several decades.

1 year ago

Image for visualization looks like a BMI of 35:

You’re just not restricted to your movement because you’re young. It doesn’t last forever. That’s KEIN Bodyshaming! This is simply the attempt of a wake-up call!

I think it’s great if you want a job in care. But you’re not far away from becoming a care case. Please work seriously on your health!

1 year ago

As a nurse, you should also be a model. Reduce your overweight.