Zu billig CLS500?
hab einen cls500 gefunden der irgendwie zu schön um wahr zu sein klingt.
Klingt der preis für euch vorab realistisch?
Verkaufen steht Mercedes-Benz cls 500 Deutsche Fahrzeuge auto steht 3 Stunde Fahrt von wien garage Fahrzeuge benutzte im als wochenende Fahrzeuge.
Das Fahrzeug befindet sich in eine sehr guten zustand ohne dellen oder kratze Motor top getriebe top.
Garagen Fahrzeug.
Recht Vorne federung muss erneuert werden.
Baujahr 2006
Kilometerstand: 150.000
Things are often reassembled as total damage in Lithuania and then remarketed. Your decision.
Is it about who used to sit around?
I wouldn’t buy it and I can only speculate. It doesn’t sound so great under 10,000 km/year.
Not understood.
I wouldn’t buy it.
It’s 17 years old and age doesn’t pass a Mercedes. As a lover vehicle, this is something i. O. but not for normal use.
seems to have been a weekend vehicle.
will you have bought it when he says we had 2
“The vehicle is in a very good condition without falling or scratching engine top geared top.”
How do you know? Did you have the engine and the gearbox open?
This is a 0815 seller.
And if there’s anything going on over there, it’s a redflag anyway.
ok he changed the price now eh to 15k