Zu Beachtendes beim ersten Flug?
in gut einem Monat werde ich das erste Mal in meinem Leben ein Flugzeug besteigen. Es handelt sich zwar nur um einen Kurzstreckenflug (nicht einmal eine Stunde, wir müssen lediglich Zeit sparen, weil wir auf ein Konzert wollen), aber ich bin natürlich trotzdem excited.
Gibt es irgendetwas, was wir beachten müssen?
Da wir von Klagenfurt nach Wien fliegen, werden wir direkt auf der Website von Austrian Airlines buchen.
Was ich noch nicht ganz durchblickt habe, ist die Sache mit dem Handgepäck. Soweit ich auf der Buchungsseite gesehen habe, gibt es in der Economy-Klasse nochmal drei Preisstaffelungen mit verschiedenen Regelungen bzgl. des (Gewichtes des) Gepäcks. Wir haben vermutlich für ein paar Tage nur vier bis fünf Reisetaschen und einen kleinen Koffer mit (wir fliegen zu viert).
Also ja. An alle, die schon oft geflogen sind – pls help haha
Can’t I even take a bottle of water?
Okay, thanks.
If you want to save money, take an empty bottle and fill in before departure at the tap;).
No, after the security check, there are usually ( expensive) drinking machines where you can buy something. You can take that on the plane.
Not through security control. But on the plane.
For other flights, in some countries you can take water. For example in Turkey, UAE, Thailand, Singapore.
I thought
Precisely, drown before the control and fill at the gate in the washroom. Some flying faucets have water dispensers in front of the entrance to the toilet.
only out of interest if you don’t even fly an hour, but then before you have to go to the airport and that takes a few hours earlier and after arriving it will also take, would a train not be faster?
shouldn’t get over, just out of interest. I don’t know where to go under an hour with a plane
otherwise the others have already written everything
We fly from Klagenfurt to Vienna.
Until Klagenfurt it is a cat jump with the car.
ah okay, would be about 4h with the train
Thank you
there is hand luggage (just small and you take it into the plane) and task luggage (it will be delivered at check in and you will get it back at the destination airport).
Wouldn’t mind what you take from the weight and then keep booking, overweight is quite expensive, alternatively book a task bag (here there are also weight limitations), you can share a suitcase etc.
Note when packing that you may take “no” liquids (also shampoo, toothpaste etc.) into the hand luggage (max. 100ml packaging).
About Anna
Actually, there’s nothing to consider. Be punctual. And be there early all things. 2h before.(Save from time!). No prohibited items in hand luggage. Rest in the task baggage. 1 piece of luggage a 20 kilos per person is the rule in Economy Class.
What are “forbidden things”?
Pistol, explosives, drugs, knives e.g.
Of course I understand your point. Then it would be better for the Pasagiere to have no hand luggage because everything possible as a weapon is abused.
You don’t understand my point.
If someone really wanted, he could abuse everything possible as a weapon.
Books are here to read and not to beat. It’s logical.
What’s that supposed to be? It is logical that you could also hurt a person with a heavy book if you wanted.
And yet these rules are very arbitrary.
What kind of ordinary circles do you live that books are used as a bullet? The security officers do not have such a flowering imagination as they do not allow books.
Yeah, but that doesn’t change anything at all – I have some make-up products in my purse.
Well, I’m sure I can pull someone over the head with a book one.
That is why there are also regulations with the liquids. This is also why so many people ask for these objects. Book as a weapon?
Oh, you mean weapons. This text (link) is however quite cumbersome – make-up can also be an inflammatory, chemical product and as a weapon I can use a book too.
Well, then you’ll take the fare that suits your luggage. If you have a piece of hand luggage, a small fare is enough.
I just now avoid taking a big suitcase, so much is lost because the flying cocks do not work properly. Better Trolley that can be with into the cabin + hand luggage.
Yeah, well, I always pack all the stuff up to my handbag in my trolley. The handbag is considered a hand luggage.