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4 years ago

Come on to the zoo. Unfortunately, there are many bad ones with a catastrophic attitude and not everyone is relying on responsible breeding and expulsion projects.
4 years ago

Discussions are made of thesis, antithesis and ultimately of synthesis, but it is also important to send something forward:

You should know that just everyone’s attitude Zoo, Zoological garden or whatever can call. The term is not protected, which is why one must first become clear about the definition. Due to the fact that the term is not protected, it is, of course, also true that bad animal husbandry is called “zoo”, although they do not hold and protect their animals according to the standards that accrue to accredited and certified zoos and aquariums.

The serious Zoological Gardens are centers of species protection, education and research. As such, many species could be saved by them. Animal cruelty is exclused by appropriate standards to which one must adhere and often exceed the statutory regulations. So they impose themselves stricter requirements than they should.

The World Nature Conservation Union, which publishes the red list, pursues a so-called One Plan Approach to comprehensively protect species and thus protect them from extinction. This includes measures in situ, i.e. in the habitat, and ex situ, i.e. outside the habitat. Zoos and aquariums are therefore indispensable for extensive species protection.

Unsatisfied animal protectors and animal rights activists – the latter reject any form of animal husbandry – repeatedly carry out insane attacks against zoos and aquariums – also in Germany. Unfortunately, they use the accusation of animal cruelty regardless of actual circumstances and laws. In recent years, the attack against the adventure zoo Hanover, who allegedly beat his elephants, was particularly famous as PETA claimed. However, after that, the evidence video turned out not only as manipulative, but also as manipulative and did not stand before any court.

Serious animal protectors, such as the American Humane organization, appreciate the work of modern zoos and aquariums. They also oppose the just described populism of the zoo opponents. The serious zoos and aquariums, however, also take a clear stance against animal cruelty. Hopefully, this information will help but requests are also possible.

4 years ago

Zoos keep and breed animals. Only through the captivity in zoological gardens could animals such as the Przewalski horse, the Waldrapp, the Californian Condor, the Guamralle, the lion’s monkey, the European Bison, the Arab Oryx, or the Redwolf be saved from extinction.

Species protection applies in any case. Animal torture can to be found.

4 years ago

Both together.