Zoll gD – Wie viel Mathe/BWL?
Ich habe mir überlegt, nach meinem Abitur vielleicht beim Zoll im gD anzufangen.
Da ich wirklich eine NIETE bin in Mathe, wollte ich mal wissen, wie Mathelastig der BWL Teil im Studium ist und welche mathematischen Vorraussetzungen man gegebenenfalls dafür braucht. Außerdem wollte ich noch wissen, ob BWL im Zollstudium ähnlich umfangreich ist wie im normalen BWL Studium.
Liebe Grüße 🙂
Look here:
what you want is probably less the question than if you invite people with bad testimonials at all – there is a best reading instead
so press something on the ruby and improve maths
Just because I’m a rivet in math doesn’t mean I’m bad in the other subjects. I wanted an answer to the math strength in my studies and no “critics” at my math. I can easily reach the required grade average.
it will be looked at the maths… so it can already be the KO…
It is even very much looked at the maths… at least in comparable courses. And in customs you can actually choose the applicants.
Mathe has much to do with logical thinking and logical and structured thinking much with right. And right is an elementary part of customs training. In addition, tax rights are also available. And I’d like to be counted.
Is it going towards a dual study in the upper duty service?
This probably has a different focus than BWL. You can search the curriculum online by the way, there is also not much BWL (although already!).
However, the acceptance criteria for the gD stage in customs are relatively high as far as I know. Whether you have 1-2 points in math chances is another question