Zoll, Einfuhrumsatzsteuer bei Paket aus Großbritannien?
Hallo zusammen. Ich möchte mir Kleidung aus England mit einem Wert von £45 bestellen. Das Paket würde mit DHL versendet werden. Bei den Versandkosten wurden mir £12 angerechnet.
Meine Frage ist nun, ob ich noch Extrakosten (also Zoll oder Einfuhrumsatzsteuer) im Nachhinein bezahlen muss, also wenn das Paket angekommen ist. Oder stecken die zusätzlichen Steuerkosten schon in den £12 mit drinnen. Oder können die Shops die Einfuhrumsatzsteuer gar nicht im Vorhinein berechnen?
The import turnover tax is calculated on the basis of the total cost (value + dispatch). So to 57 pounds..
And is 19% – is prestretched by DHL and delivered with an additional 6€ service fee.
Thank you. That means that I have to pay the DHL supplier a further 6€ service fee plus the 19% import turnover tax (i.e. about 11€ above) (totally about 17€)?
You probably go to your post office and you have to pick it up there!
And if anything doesn’t fit or the inch just wants it, you’ll have to pick it up at the customs office in your area. (or order DHL to do so, then costs another 28.50€)
Hello, can you please look at my question? Thank you.
I like to order from “non-EU countries” via eBay if the seller is commercially available abroad!
eBay collects all fees (customs/import) incl. Porto is immediately included in the payment process and the packages will come home as usual without surprises and follow-up costs
Customs is only due from a value of 150€
And do I still have to count on an import turnover tax if the package is there? (or similar)