Zöliakie-Test ja oder nein?

Ich vermute, dass ich an Zöliakie leide. Ich habe Fructose-und Lactoseunverträglichkeit und auch wenn ich Gluten esse, bekomme ich anschließend (meist 2 Tage später) heftigen Durchfall.

Außerdem ist mein Körper immer weniger in der Lage Nährstoffe aufzunehmen und zu verwerten, was ich daran sehe, dass ich immer kraftloser werde und seit Jahren im Untergewicht bin, was scheinbar unveränderlich ist.

Schon oft hatte ich überlegt mich auf Zöliakie untersuchen zu lassen, aber da ich mich seit mind. 10 Jahren glutenfrei ernähre (und dadurch viel weniger Bauchschmerzen, Gelenkschmerzen und Durchfälle habe), erscheint es mir sehr dumm jetzt meine Darmschleimhaut wieder massiv zu schädigen, indem ich 3 Monate lang Gluten esse, nur damit anschließend eine sichere Diagnose gestellt werden kann.

Denn selbst wenn heraus käme, dass ich keine Zöliakie habe, weiß ich ja, dass ich Gluten ohnehin nicht vertrage (hab ich ja oft genug ausprobiert). Dann würde man sagen ich habe eben eine Glutensensitivität und für mich wäre es auch besser Gluten weg zu lassen. So weit bin ich aber auch schon ohne jeden Test und ohne jede Diagnose.

Ich habe Hemmungen meinem Körper diesen enormen Stress und all die daraus resultierenden Entzündungen anzutun, nur um nachher doch nichts anderes zu machen als das, was ich jetzt auch schon mache: vollständig auf Gluten verzichten.

Wer kennt dieses Dilemma und kann mir evt. aus eigener Erfahrung einen Tipp geben?

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1 month ago

If it is necessary for a safe diagnosis to eat gluten for 3 months, you should do it.
Maybe additional information can help you stay more consistent gluten-free. For example, I think about this video from a doctor: Gluten – harmful for bowel and brain

2 months ago

This was diagnosed in the context of a stomach reflection and confirmed with a blood test. So you don’t have to try yourself, but just go to the doctor

2 months ago
Reply to  Divanikima

Okay, now I get it. Sorry.
I think if you get diarrhea after the increase of gluten, this is a clear sign. And yes, it always happens to me 1-2 days later, if I can’t resist and need a pizza (but I don’t have a stomach ache, but I just have to go to the toilet.
But it was with me that I thought it was “normal” and it was only through the diagnosis. In your case, this diagnosis would be as clear as you write anyway and as long as there are no medicines, I would do without it at your place. There is no treatment and (yet) no tablet that can be taken before, as with lactose (I believe). So what’s it gonna do to you if you know what you’re already on the paper?

2 months ago

that is different to my knowledge. I have no problems with “crumbs”. I also eat things that stand on the packaging “Can contain traces of gluten” and also my domestic physician thinks that I can ignore it.
There are mW people who already react to small crumbs, I don’t. You can only try that. For me, for example, a chipper is already too much.
If you have any more questions, write me directly, get away.

2 months ago

Bioresonance can be used to test and treat this.

2 months ago
Reply to  Divanikima

I’ve been doing this for over 20 years. It works perfectly. You just have to become a medical practitioner who has a lot of experience with the device. In a few minutes you can also test everything. You must also consider that you can also test intolerances, which are not allergies in the medical sense.

2 months ago


2 months ago

I’ve never heard that before. You just test whether your strength, e.g., in the upper arm, leaves when. you come into contact with the substance.

2 months ago

This even works with Günter Jauch with the muscle test .

2 months ago

Does she do that, or does she do other things?

2 months ago

My pediatrician used to get such a device. It wasn’t always true what came out. After that, I have been with medical practitioners who only dealt with the device.