Zitternde Angst nachts Zuhause ?
Hallo zusammen,
ich hoffe, dass ich hier ein offenes Ohr für mein Anliegen finde. Ich habe in letzter Zeit sehr starke Ängste, besonders nachts. Es fühlt sich an, als wären Wesen in meinem Bett, die man nicht sehen kann, und sie geben mir ein Gefühl der Bedrängnis und Angst. Oft zittere ich vor Angst, weil ich eine seltsame, kalte Präsenz spüre, die mich übermannt.
Ich bin so verzweifelt, dass ich darüber nachdenke, ein Glas Wodka zu trinken, um etwas Ruhe zu finden. Ich frage mich, ob jemand von euch ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht hat und was ihr tun würdet, um in so einer Situation mit der Angst umzugehen. Ich kann in diesem Zustand nicht beten oder mich sammeln und fühle mich ziemlich hilflos.
Ich wäre sehr dankbar für eure Ratschläge oder Strategien, die euch geholfen haben. Vielen Dank im Voraus!
If there was a means that makes fear away and at the same time does not lead to medium or long-term further problems, the world would probably be fearless…
So instead of grabbing substances, you should be aware of what you are actually afraid of and whether this fear is even appropriate to the situation. Is it appropriate to fear invisible beings in bed, or is this just your (anxiety) fantasy that plays you a prank. As a rule, in reality there are no invisible beings in bed.
After your reality check, make sure to make your room safer so that you don’t have to worry about it, because there is no traceable reason for it at all. For example, you can change your bed, buy and plug in a night light, get you an Alexa that simulates, for example, marine noise, let a fan run in the room, which gives constant quiet noises from itself, so that you don’t notice the smallest noises from your environment anymore. You can get an aroma diffuser with a pleasant scented oil, most of which are also available with timer and a filling volume of 500ml, which would give you easy operation over 8 hours. Maybe hang up a small chain of lights, share positive memories in the form of photos or objects, exchange your lights in the room lamp for a smart light source, which you can make from the bed with the help of a remote control, dim or change the color (available at about 6€ at Amazon), simply adjust your room to make you feel comfortable. You can even if you have a lot of money and a cool bed wants to buy a bed of pine wood and a comfortable mattress. This not only looks nice and lasts decades, but the pine wood also looks soothing and you have a great change in the room. If I could afford, I’d have done that long ago.
PS: Alcohol is more stimulating in small doses than anesthetic. With too much alcohol, however, this has a bad effect on sleep and the following day is usually not the most pleasant. So if you’re already taking substances to you, at least let the doctor tell you what’s right and don’t drink any alcohol before you sleep, it won’t hurt you…
Alternatively, I can advise you to Valerian or the drug Lasea. A similar effect also has the many soothing and sleeping teas from the pharmacy, which are probably also cheaper than a bottle of vodka.
Love greeting
I thank you… since I can’t help here
Best answer 👍😎
If you may stop ciffing, you will no longer see ghosts, because there are no ghosts
Here many depressing questions are asked and unfriendly answers and comments are written that this is annoying. Maybe you lose your fear when you turn to friendly people.
You’re right. 👍😎
Since it is a spiritual thing, according to Psalm 91 before and Psalm 23
Just read them out loudly
Thank you. Love the 2 Psalms also most. But I just can’t do it.