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Black tea can help with nausea, but look for nausea. Because he contains a lot of tanning substances, he gave me some black tea. I can’t drink it on an empty stomach.
LG Show1Runner
Just drink what’s inside. The body knows what he cares. By eating, I would wait until the acute nausea is over. After that, you have to eat what you like.
I know more peppermint or fennel tea. Kamille can, for example, also be more likely to hit the stomach in some cases.
If you’re really bad and you’re always going over, you can’t keep a liquid with you anyway, so I’d just take some water in a spoon to not dry out completely. But usually you just want to sleep and get thirst as soon as you get a little better.
Hello, Maxim,
Try it with fennel cumin-anis tea, chamomile tea, peppermint tea or chickens or vegetable broth.
Sleeping always helps me with nausea.
Good improvement (-:
What a soothing stomach would I say. Camille or fennel
lukewarm boiled water. spoons.
if you’re bad, don’t even tip something up.
Both a very bad choice.
More like herbal tea
Peppermint tea