Zitronenbaum verliert Blätter, was tun?

Hallo Zusammen,

ich habe seit kurzen ein kleines Zitronenbäumchen in der Wohnung stehen. Leider verleirt er viele Blätter. Was bedeutet dass und was muss/kann ich dagegen tun?



Nachtrag (09.03.2024):

Mein Zitronenbaum sprießt wieder, bekommt kleine Blätter und die Zitronen die bereits dran waren wachsen!

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1 year ago

I also have a young lemon tree. It is now 4 years old and about 70 cm high. In autumn, my broth also loses almost all leaves. He has only 10 leaves.

Like most deciduous trees, lemon trees are trying to protect themselves from any arising frost. They remove the water from the branches and branches to prevent the freezing water in the branches from damaging the cell structure.

So it’s quite normal that your lemon peel loses the leaves. In spring, he drives out again and makes a lot of new leaves. So don’t worry.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gegsoft

Thanks for the star ★

1 year ago
Reply to  MrUnknown507

Ah… that you should have posted under »Write comments« and not as an answer, but what is it…

The temperature seems to play only a minor role, because with it it is warm throughout between 24 and 26 degrees. It has little to do with casting. Whether you are pouring a little or a little more in winter does not make a big difference.

But in the spring he is regularly “healed” (in the botanical sense) and drives out powerfully, with more than a hundred new leaves growing.

So you can look forward to spring; I think it’s going on in April or May.

1 year ago

Ploetzal sheet loss after buying – please pruefe moegular causes:

  • Frost damage during transport
  • To dry room air
  • lack of light
  • Ambulance
1 year ago
Reply to  MrUnknown507

If the plant is healthy – consider winter rest, but do not grow so just after buying …